Paper 13367-15
Self powered oxide heterojunctions for remote optical fire sensing
27 January 2025 • 2:15 PM - 2:35 PM PST | Moscone West, Room 2014 (Level 2)
Uncontrolled fires are estimated to contribute as much to carbon gas emissions as all of commercial
transport. A key problem is that these fires are often not detected in time to limit the damage
because most commercial fire/smoke detectors usually do not go off until it is too late to intervene
and quell the conflagration before it takes hold. Remote optical sensing should be a big part of the
solution. Although infrared (IR) sensors are the conventional solution for heat detection, they are not
ideal for remote optical fire detection because they are subject to multiple confounding signals.
For this reason, there is a need for ultraviolet C band (UVC) flame sensors, which are not subject to
such false positives because their photoresponse is solar blind. This talk will explore the use of Ga2O3/NiO heterojunctions for use as self-powered remote fire/flame sensors.