16 - 19 September 2024
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

SPIE Sensors + Imaging combines two of Europe’s best photonics conferences –
SPIE Remote Sensing and SPIE Security + Defence

The premier yearly European event that showcases the latest sensor and photonic technologies for imaging and monitoring the Earth’s atmosphere and environment, as well as sensor technologies that address homeland security, defence, and counterterrorism.

Meet face-to-face with top companies at the free 2-day exhibition. Discuss your sensing and imaging needs with suppliers who will be there to help solve problems, cut costs, and increase capabilities.

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Review the two symposia and their combined 19 technical conference topics

Post-deadline submissions will be considered. Submit your abstract now.
Take this opportunity to share your work in September at this long-standing meeting for remote sensing and security and defence technologies research. View the Call PDF

2024 Plenary presenters

Francesco Saverio Cataliotti

Univ. of Florence and
National Institute of Optics, CNR

Andrew Shepherd

Northumbria Univ. and NERC Ctr.
for Polar Observation and Modelling
(United Kingdom)

Jason Field

Defence Science and Technology
Ministry of Defence
(United Kingdom)

Enjoy four days of exciting content and connecting with your community

  • Plenary talks
  • Technical presentations
  • Networking sessions
  • Professional development
  • An exhibition

Presneter at SPIE Sensors + Imaging

The 2024 exhibition

The free exhibition runs 17 and 18 September 2024.
The exhibition offers a look at innovative technologies from detectors and sensors to lasers and imaging equipment.

View the 2023 Best Student Paper Winners
Take this opportunity to view the list of winners from the Sensors + Imaging meeting which includes research for Remote Sensing and Security + Defence conferences. We proudly acknowledge these students research contributions. View the PDF

Research to advance your work

Presentations on the Digital Library

Review the list of available research for SPIE Sensors + Imaging. Access the research from both Security + Defence and Remote Sensing on the SPIE Digital Library as you prepare for the 2023 call for papers.

Security + Defence Proceedings
Remote Sensing Proceedings

Proceedings for SPIE Security + Defence and Remote Sensing

Thank you to our 2024 sponsor


Thank you to our 2024 cooperating organisations


Cranfield University logo

Innovate UK KTN

BARSC, New Horizons for Earth Observation Companies

UK Astronomy Technology Centre

Technology Scotland / Photonics Scotland


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