Dr. Susumu Iida

Research Director at Rapidus US, LLC
Iida, Susumu
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SPIE Membership: 0.9 years
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Area of Expertise: Lithography, Metrology, Crystal growth, Inspection, Electron beam
Websites: Company Website | Company Website | Company Website
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8017-4294
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Profile Summary

Susumu Iida received his BS and MS degrees in 1995 and 1997, respectively, and in 2000, he earned his PhD in engineering, all from Shizuoka University, Japan. He joined the Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corporation, where he carried out research on GaN-based blue laser diodes and the development of patterned mask inspection tools. In 2011, he was assigned to EIDEC, where he engaged in development of EB inspection tool and defect inspection standard technology. In 2019, he was assigned to imec. In 2023, he was assigned to Rapidus Corporation. He is a research manager at Rapidus US, LLC.

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