Ratib Salehi

Senior Geologist at Ministry of Mines and Petroleum
Salehi, Ratib
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Profile Summary

Mr. Ratib Salehi was born on 1st June 1981, in Kabul, Afghanistan. He received his B.Sc. degrees from Kabul polytechnic university faculty of mines and geology in September 2008. After graduating, he started his career as an engineer at the ministry of mines and petroleum, Afghanistan. Mr. Salehi received his master's degree in Earth Resources Engineering from Kyushu University, Japan in 2014. He returned to Afghanistan as civil servant to utilize the knowledge and skills gained in Japan mainly in exploration and implementation of natural resources for economic growth and sustainable infrastructure development.
He is expert of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (RS & GIS) His current research interests include application of remote sensing for geological investigation and mineral exploration.

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