Dr. Joseph P. Estrera

Individual Member | Aviation Specialties Unlimited Inc
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SPIE Membership: 25.4 years
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Area of Expertise: Night Vision, Electro-Optical Engineering, Image Fusion
Websites: Company Website
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Profile Summary

Joseph Estrera is President of Aviation Specialties Unlimited (ASU), Boise, Idaho, since January 2021 and previously Vice President and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for ASU since September 2013. He was formerly with L-3 Electro-Optical Systems and was with this company since 1992, Joe has been engaged in the development of photomultiplier, image intensifier, and infrared technologies and products for the last twenty nine years. He is active in the study of uncooled infrared technologies, image fusion technologies (image intensifier and infrared, IR sensors), and optics/electro-optics for advanced system development. He has numerous technical papers, patents, and industrial corporate awards under Litton Industries, Northrop Grumman, and L-3 Communications Corporation in the areas of III-V semiconductors materials, image intensification, thermal infrared imaging and night vision systems. He is an assistant adjunct professor of physics at the University of Texas at Dallas from 1996-2020.

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