Dr. Brian D. Womack

Director, Distributed Analytics
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SPIE Membership: 9.0 years
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Area of Expertise: Big Data Analytics, Speech Processing, Robust Signal Processing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Robotics Perception and Control, Parallel Computation
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Profile Summary

Brian Womack is a twenty-two year veteran of defense intelligence and operations communities as an inference algorithm architect, data scientist, and software engineering architect. Brian has designed and implemented solutions from real-time embedded to high-performance computing (HPC) platforms to meet the needs of big data analytics, modeling, pattern classification, multi-source management, cyber defense, surveillance, robotics perception, robust control, and speech processing applications.

He joined Intel in 2012 to support HPC pathfinding by developing an application system analytics capability that defines application work as a function of processor, memory, and fabric activity. As the Intel Data Center Group (DCG) big data analytics chief technologist, Brian will support HPC and hybrid Cloud pathfinding for data analytics applications so they fully exploit Intel’s coming processor, memory, and fabric platforms in both a runtime and energy efficient manner. Brian will initially focus on data center telemetry to predict functionality that enables proactive response to resource issues, thereby increasing the resiliency of the system. In addition, he will apply previous experience with cyber intelligence to perform pattern classification on large cyber datasets to enhance the capability of cyber defense applications

Dr. Womack received his Ph.D. from Duke in robust signal processing and his M.S. from Texas A&M in adaptive control systems. Brian enjoys martial arts, SCUBA, camping, hiking, canoeing, archery, and volunteering.

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