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25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US
Conference 13300 > Paper 13300-86
Paper 13300-86

140° ultrawide-field handheld swept-source OCT angiography

26 January 2025 • 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM PST


Ultrawide-field optical coherence tomography angiography (UWF-OCTA) is critical for detecting peripheral retinal vascular abnormalities in conditions like retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and diabetic retinopathy (DR). An optimized scanning pattern can balance UWF-OCTA sensitivity to capillaries with slow flow and resistance to motion artifacts and noise. To generate high-quality 140° OCTA on a system without eye-tracking, we adopted a novel bidirectional interleave scanning pattern, which can eliminate flyback time. We also investigated two B-scan intervals (8 ms and 4 ms), in order to determine the most reasonable option for ROP imaging. Our preliminary results indicate that the UWF-OCTA with 4 ms interval can provide better performance in resolving choroidal vasculature and delivering overall clean angiograms with the least motion effects.


Oregon Health & Science Univ. (United States)
Application tracks: Translational Research
Oregon Health & Science Univ. (United States)