Dr. Shida Tan

Sr Principal Engineer at Intel Corp
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Profile Summary

Dr. Shida Tan is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s physical debug technology development group, where she is leading cross-industry R&D projects to develop advanced technologies for on-die circuit analysis for Intel’s 10/7/5-nm process nodes. She is broadly recognized across the industry for leading joint development of world’s first Ne+ gas field ion source and spearheading advanced ion beam research and applications in the field of semiconductor circuit edit, failure analysis, fault isolation, and low yield analysis. She led nano-optical research programs in the Carbon Nanotubes Strategic Research Project in Intel Research and conducted the world’s first experimental demonstration of optical trapping of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Dr. Tan authored over 120 technical publications with ~950 citations on Google Scholar, including a book chapter, peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, 9 issued and several pending patents, 3 Intel trade secrets. She holds leadership positions in various professional organizations, including Vice President and Program Chair of the International Society of Electron, Photon, Ion Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), Proposal Review Board Member for Lawrence Berkley National Labs, Industry Liaison for the Semiconductor Research Consortium (SRC), and Guest Editor of Journal of the Vacuum Science and Technology B. She is a passionate advocate for women’s career development; founded the Women in Nanotechnology program at EIPBN, served as a panelist in Professional Business Women of California (PBWC), and mentors junior engineers.

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