Dr. Gourav Bhowmik

Sr. Process Engineer
Bhowmik, Gourav
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SPIE Membership: 4.9 years
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Area of Expertise: Nonlinear Optics, Semiconductors, Photonics, Second harmonic generation, Ion Beam Characterization, Photoluminescence
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Profile Summary

1. 5+ years of active research experience in fabrication (ion implantation, deposition, etch and lithography) and characterization of Group IV metal/semiconductor nanostructured interfaces, with degrees in Chemical Engineering, Polymer Science, and Nanoscale Engineering
2. Demonstrated leadership and public speaking skills, served as President of 3+ organizations (ISO, NGSO, IIChE, etc.)
3. Entrepreneurial expertise in start-up companies, winner of NY Business Plan Competition, with excellent networking and marketing skills
4. Recipient of SUNY Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence, University at Albany's President's Award for Leadership, received highest commencement honor as degree candidate's processional leader at SUNY

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