Paper 13232-20
Coherently tiled Ti:sapphire laser amplification: a way to break the 10 petawatt limit on current ultraintense lasers
13 October 2024 • 15:30 - 15:50 China Standard Time | Room 101A
Here, a theoretical analysis and an experimental demonstration of high-quality laser amplification are reported. The results show that the addition of a 2 ×2 tiled-Ti:sapphire amplifier to the today’s 10 PW ultra-intense laser is a viable technique to break the 10 PW limit and increase the highest peak power recorded to few tens PW, further approaching the Exawatt-class (EW).
Yanqi Liu
Zhangjiang Lab. (China), Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (China)
Yanqi Liu is an associate professor at Zhangjiang Laboratory, Shanghai,China, with interests in ultra-intense laser technology and engineering.He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Changchun University of Science and Technology in 2007 and 2011, respectively.He was a research assistant, research associate, and associate professor at Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) from 2011 to 2022.