25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US
Professional Development Event
Webinar: How to Network When You Don’t Like to Network
On demand | Presented Live 8 March 2021 
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Open to all Photonics West paid conference attendees.

Facilitator: David Giltner, TurningScience

From the desk of David Giltner: Many people hate networking. They hate it because they don’t enjoy making small talk just to get someone’s business card or a LinkedIn connection. They hate it because it seems cheap and transactional. They hate it because they tried going to a couple of 'networking events' and it just seemed like a waste of time. If you can relate to any of these comments about networking, I don't blame you! The good news is that they are all based on common ideas about networking that are just wrong. We will cover these topics and more, plus answer audience questions. This event will be followed by an open networking session!