7 - 11 April 2024
Strasbourg, France
Conference 13005 > Paper 13005-21
Paper 13005-21

Formation of laser-induced porous graphitic carbon structures for high capacitance supercapacitors

9 April 2024 • 11:40 - 12:00 CEST | Curie A, Niveau/Level 1


The electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) is an energy storage device distinguished by its relatively extended cycle life and rapid charge-discharge capabilities. Heightened capacitance of the EDLC aligns with an augmented specific surface area of the electrodes. In this study, we employed laser-induced graphitization of a biodegradable composite sheet containing NaHCO3 to fabricate a conductive porous carbon structures serving as EDLC electrodes. Pores were observed on the surface of the composite sheet containing NaHCO3 after laser irradiation. It is considered that the formation of pores, accompanied by gas generation from the thermal decomposition of NaHCO3, led to an increase in the specific surface area of the structures and improved capacitance. Our method extends the potential of environmentally compatible, plant-derived materials for device applications.


Mari Kato
Keio Univ. (Japan)
Mari Kato is expected to receive her BS degree in engineering from Keio University in March 2024. At the time of the conference, she will be a graduate student in the School of Integrated Design Engineering at Keio University. Her research interests include femtosecond laser-induced graphitization and the fabrication of environmentally-friendly devices.
Application tracks: Sustainability
Mari Kato
Keio Univ. (Japan)
Keio Univ. (Japan)
Keio Univ. (Japan)
Keio Univ. (Japan)
Princeton Univ. (United States)
Keio Univ. (Japan)