24 - 27 April 2023
Prague, Czech Republic
Conference 11778 > Paper 11778-19
Paper 11778-19

Focused beam dosimetry of short VHEE bunches (Invited Paper)


Accelerators driven by 10s TW-class lasers can produce electron bunches with femtosecond-scale duration and energy of 100s of MeV. A potential application of such short bunches is high-dose rate radiotherapy, which could transition to FLASH radiotherapy if a sufficiently large dose is delivered in a single shot. Here we present Monte Carlo simulations to study the bunch length evolution of an electron beam propagating in a water phantom. We show that for electron energies above 100 MeV the bunch lengthens to 1–10 ps duration after interaction with a 30 cm long water phantom, both for a collimated and weakly focused geometry. The corresponding dose rates are on the order of 200 Gy/s per primary electron, much higher than in conventional radiotherapy.


Enrico Brunetti
Univ. of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)
Enrico Brunetti
Univ. of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)