25 - 30 January 2025
San Francisco, California, US

Post-deadline submissions will be considered for poster, or oral if space is available

Active and passive optical components are playing key roles in current optical communication networks, optical sensors, and medical optical devices. Extensive research continues to be carried out to improve their performance and functionality, and to reduce their size and cost. Areas of research that are particularly active include high-power fiber lasers, switches, filters, ultra-short-pulse fiber lasers, as well as material research in rare-earth-doped glasses, semiconductors, and nano-particles for enabling innovative photonic devices. There is also significant activity in developing components in lightwave circuits, which will ultimately reduce manufacturing cost while integrating multiple active and passive functions on a single chip.

The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers and engineers from academia and industry to discuss recent developments in these rapidly advancing fields. Suggested topics include: ;
In progress – view active session
Conference OE103

Optical Components and Materials XXII

This conference has an open call for papers:
Abstract Due: 17 July 2024
Author Notification: 7 October 2024
Manuscript Due: 8 January 2025

Post-deadline submissions will be considered for poster, or oral if space is available

Active and passive optical components are playing key roles in current optical communication networks, optical sensors, and medical optical devices. Extensive research continues to be carried out to improve their performance and functionality, and to reduce their size and cost. Areas of research that are particularly active include high-power fiber lasers, switches, filters, ultra-short-pulse fiber lasers, as well as material research in rare-earth-doped glasses, semiconductors, and nano-particles for enabling innovative photonic devices. There is also significant activity in developing components in lightwave circuits, which will ultimately reduce manufacturing cost while integrating multiple active and passive functions on a single chip.

The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers and engineers from academia and industry to discuss recent developments in these rapidly advancing fields. Suggested topics include:
  • rare-earth-doped devices and materials
  • rare-earth-doped or metal-doped glasses, crystals, polymers, semiconductors, hybrid materials, and fibers
  • spectroscopy of rare-earth ions and other laser species
  • graphene and carbon nanotubes
  • new materials for mode-locking
  • nanoparticles
  • quantum dots
  • fiber amplifiers design and fabrication
  • waveguide lasers and amplifiers
  • UV to far-infrared fiber lasers
  • cladding-pumped lasers and amplifiers
  • Raman laser and amplifiers
  • Brillouin lasers
  • broadband fiber sources
  • semiconductor-based lasers and amplifiers
  • optical switches, modulators, and other devices
  • optical nonlinearities in fibers and waveguides
  • lithium niobate bulk-optic and waveguide devices
  • thermal and UV poling of silica and other glasses
  • electro-optic poled sol-gels
  • progress in lithium niobate electro-optic modulators
  • nonlinear frequency converters
  • photonic-bandgap fibers and devices
  • plasmonic devices and technologies
  • sub-wavelength optical elements
  • photosensitivity in fibers and planar waveguides
  • photosensitivity in glasses and polymers
  • filters, reflectors, and other grating-based devices
  • fiber and waveguide Bragg gratings
  • long-period fiber gratings
  • modeling glass structure and defects arising from UV irradiation
  • novel passive and active components for dense WDM
  • tunable filters and add-drop filters
  • device packaging, testing, and reliability
  • devices for optical interconnect
  • detectors
  • SWIR photodetectors
  • single-photon detectors
  • silicon-based photodetectors
  • low-noise detection architectures
  • unique detector materials and special spectral regions
  • progress in MEMS-based detectors
  • detectors with gain.
Conference Chair
AdValue Photonics, Inc. (United States)
Conference Chair
Stanford Univ. (United States)
Program Committee
Elbit Systems of America, LLC (United States)
Program Committee
Univ. del País Vasco (Spain)
Program Committee
Air Force Research Lab. (United States)
Program Committee
U.S. Naval Research Lab. (United States)
Program Committee
NASA Earth Science Technology Office (United States)
Program Committee
CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, Univ. of Central Florida (United States)
Program Committee
Microsoft Oy (Finland), Microsoft HoloLens (Finland)
Program Committee
Tsinghua Univ. (China)
Program Committee
Univ. de Rennes 1 (France)
Program Committee
Toyota Technological Institute (Japan)
Program Committee
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering (United States)
Program Committee
Istituto di Fisica Applicata "Nello Carrara" (Italy)
Program Committee
Kyoto Univ. (Japan)
Program Committee
Univ. de Rennes 1 (France)
Program Committee
Polytechnic Institute of New York Univ. (United States)
Program Committee
DEVCOM Army Research Lab. (United States)
Additional Information

View call for papers

What you will need to submit

  • Presentation title
  • Author(s) information
  • Speaker biography (1000-character max including spaces)
  • Abstract for technical review (200-300 words; text only)
  • Summary of abstract for display in the program (50-150 words; text only)
  • Keywords used in search for your paper (optional)
Note: Only original material should be submitted. Commercial papers, papers with no new research/development content, and papers with proprietary restrictions will not be accepted for presentation.