18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13148 > Paper 13148-27
Paper 13148-27

Finite-size effects in metrology-assisted certification of quantum steering

19 August 2024 • 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 15A


Certifying the presence of quantum steering, quantum correlation enabling one user to control the quantum state shared with a distant party with superior ability than allowed by a local hidden state model, is crucial for the verification of quantum channels. Nonetheless, its connection to the metrological power of the quantum state has been recently proved. However, such a direct assessment would demand operating with a large number of repetitions. Moreover, experimental imperfections in the setup require the adaptation of the original test to the multiparameter scenario. In this work we extend the already existent protocol, explicitly accounting for the limited resource scenario, and put it under test in a quantum optics exper- iment. The hidden protagonist of our approach is the prior distribution used throughout the process, therefore we performed the experiment investigating how changes in the prior distribution are reflected in the parameter estimation and the validation test.


Gabriele Bizzarri
Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy)
Gabriele Bizzarri is a second-year Ph.D. student in the New Quantum Optics group (NEQO) under the supervision of Prof. Marco Barbieri, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy. Currently investigating on metrology-assisted protocols to certify the presence of quantum correlations, quantum communications, quantum metrology and quantum optics. Education Former Master's student in Physics under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Sciarrino, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Master's thesis project: "Experimental Multiparameter Quantum Metrology", collaboration with Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Awarded a national prize issued by Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) for my Master's thesis. Former Bachelor's student in Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Dissertation's title: "Quantum computing with trapped ions”.
Gabriele Bizzarri
Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy)
Marco Barbieri
Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy)
Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy)
Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy)
Vincenzo Berardi
Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Giovanni Capellini
Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy)
Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy)