18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13111 > Paper 13111-5
Paper 13111-5

Metasurface absorbers for biosensing application (Invited Paper)

18 August 2024 • 11:15 AM - 11:40 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 4


Three-dimensional metamaterial absorbers were applied for ultra-sensitive infrared spectroscopic molecular detection devices. Various types of 3D MIM metamaterial absorbers have been proposed for solid, liquid, and gas samples. Owing to their strong resonant absorption, unwanted background in IR spectroscopy was suppressed, and the signal-to-background ratios has been improved. For gas detection, a 3D co-axial double-cylinder structure is introduced as the unit structure of the metasurface absorber.


RIKEN (Japan)
Takuo Tanaka received his PhD degree in 1996 from Osaka University. After that, he joined faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University as an assistant professor. In 2003, he moved to RIKEN as a research scientist in Nanophotonics Laboratory. He was promoted to associate chief scientist in 2008 and to chief scientist in 2017. His research background is three-dimensional microscopy such as confocal microscope and two-photon microscope. Recently, he is studying about nanophotonics, plasmonics, and metamaterials fields with developing many new nanofabrication techniques. He has also experimental and theoretical experiences about high precision optical measurements and spectroscopy.
RIKEN (Japan)