18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13111 > Paper 13111-27
Paper 13111-27

Dynamic thermal emission steering based on active metasurfaces (Invited Paper)

20 August 2024 • 9:10 AM - 9:35 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 4


Dynamic control over various properties of thermal emission can be achieved through sophisticated engineering of optical states without altering the object's temperature. This presentation introduces our recent study on the dynamic steering of thermal emission using a graphene-based metasurface device. We employ a laterally delocalized Fabry-Perot mode, whose phase condition can be actively tuned by adjusting the graphene's carrier density via electrostatic gating. We experimentally demonstrate that the device can steer thermal emission across a 16-degree range at a wavelength of 6.61 microns, while maintaining high emissivity.


Min Seok Jang
KAIST (Korea, Republic of)
Min Seok Jang
KAIST (Korea, Republic of)