18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13111 > Paper 13111-58
Paper 13111-58

Doped metal oxides for plasmonic electrochromic applications (Invited Paper)

22 August 2024 • 10:55 AM - 11:20 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 4


Selective modulation of both visible and near-infrared (NIR) radiations are looked for advanced energy efficiency fenestration solutions. Smart windows made of highly doped metal oxides (ITO, AZO, or WO3-x vacancies) are of peculiar interest due to the possible electrochemical modulation of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of the associated nanocrystal in the NIR. In this context, oxygen-deficient molybdenum-tungsten hybrid oxides (MoWOx) displaying a very strong LSPR signal astride visible and NIR regions [1] are good candidates for novel electrochromic formulation. The goal of this presentation is twofold: on one hand present two MoWOx formulations compared to their respective parents WOx oxides via comparative TEM, EDX, XRD, XPS and spectroelectrochemical characterizations and on the other hand analyze the plasmonic character of those emerging oxides. For the latter, we thoroughly investigated the use of the Kubelka-Munk formalism in plasmonic configurations. We derived an analytical model respecting all the required hypotheses of the formalism. Our model fully describes the plasmonic properties of metal oxides, consistently with experiments on ITO and MoWOx.


Michaël Lobet
Univ. de Namur (Belgium)
Dr Michaël Lobet is a permanent research and lecturer at Namur University on photonics topics. He is also associate at Harvard University. His background is in electrodynamic, metamaterials, 2D materials, plasmonics, nonlinear optics, photovoltaics and near-zero refractive index metamaterials.
Application tracks: Sustainability
Michaël Lobet
Univ. de Namur (Belgium)
Liège Univ. (Belgium)
Univ. de Namur (Belgium)
Liège Univ. (Belgium)
Liège Univ. (Belgium)
Liège Univ. (Belgium)
Rudi Cloots
Liège Univ. (Belgium)
Liège Univ. (Belgium)