18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13111 > Paper 13111-21
Paper 13111-21

Chalcogenide plasmonic-like materials (Invited Paper)

19 August 2024 • 3:10 PM - 3:35 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 4


I will introduce two very different chalcogenide thin films that exhibit plasmonic or plasmonic-like behaviour in the visible spectrum. The first film is elemental tellurium and we argue that this plasmonic-like behaviour is due to partially delocalised p-orbital electrons that are readily polarized at frequencies in the visible spectrum.The Te films can support surface plasmon polariton-like modes and Te nanodiscs can support local surface plasmon resonances.We believe these results might pave the way for elemental Te-programmable photonics. I will also show how chalcogenide films can be used to grow silver nanoparticles over large areas. In particular, I will show how co-depositing Sb2S3 with Ag results in a perfect absorber material consiting of self-organised nanoresonators. We call this material Black Silver, and we have used it to detect femtomolar concentrations of streptavidin.


Robert E. Simpson
Univ. of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
Robert E. Simpson is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at the University of Birmingham in the UK. Before Birmingham Robert spent 10 years at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) where he formed the Advanced Chalcogenides Technologies & Applications Lab. Robert also spent his postdoc years as a Marie Curie and JSPS fellows in the Institute of Photonic Science (ICFO) in Spain and the Japanese Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) institute in Japan, where he developed phase change material tuned photonics devices and interfacial phase change memory, respectively. These days Robert aims to apply nanostructured chalcogenides to sensing and detection devices.
Robert E. Simpson
Univ. of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
Singapore Univ. of Technology and Design (Singapore)
Shandong Univ. (China)
Univ. of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
Zhaogang Dong
A*STAR Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (Singapore)