16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13094 > Paper 13094-154
Paper 13094-154

Wind tunnel test for the preliminary design of the European Solar Telescope

On demand | Presented live 18 June 2024


The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a 4.2-m solar telescope, based on an aplanatic Gregorian configuration with an alt-azimuthal mount. EST has an open configuration for observations without dome to improve the local seeing around the telescope mount and the main optical elements, enhancing the natural air flushing through the structure. This approach minimizes the active thermal control and reduces the telescope´s installation and operating costs. In contrast, the wind will be an extra load that requires a stiff telescope structure, as well as an advanced adaptive optics and control system. This contribution presents the comprehensive wind tunnel testing campaign carried out for the preliminary design of the Telescope Structure, Enclosure and Pier. The objective of these tests is to compare the results obtained from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis and to consolidate the results obtained from the Finite Elements (FE) and the end-to-end control analysis. For this purpose, three models were built. The first one is a topography model with a 2 km radius area, the second one is a detailed proximity model including neighboring telescopes and the last one is a detailed telescope model including the axes and main optical elements. The results of the tests were compared with FE and CFD analysis, observing differences lower than 15% in representative indicators. This allowed for an empirical correlation of the models. Additionally, the wind load contribution to the pointing and tracking error budgets were replicated with the correlated models, bringing compliant results with the performance requirements.


IDOM S.A. (Spain)
As part of the Advanced Design & Analysis division of IDOM, Ander Urrutia has been the Project Manager and Mechanical Engineer of relevant projects in Astronomy and Nuclear Fusion fields, such as the NSOS-Alpha 1.5 meter Wide Field Telescope, the European Solar Telescope (EST) Mount, the Tenerife Microwave Spectrometer (TMS) Mount and the Mid and Upper Plane Steering Mechanisms for the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak Upgrade (MAST-U). He has also been involved in astronomy projects such as New Robotics Telescope (NRT). He received his M.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU).
IDOM S.A. (Spain)
Rubén Sanquirce-Garcia
IDOM S.A. (Spain)
Juan Cózar-Castellano
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
Mahy Soler
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
IDOM S.A. (Spain)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
Mary Barreto Cabrera
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)
Miguel Núñez Cagigal
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain)