16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13094 > Paper 13094-9
Paper 13094-9

The Giant Magellan Telescope Mount: final design completion and start of fabrication

16 June 2024 • 14:10 - 14:30 Japan Standard Time | Room G403/404, North - 4F


The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) Mount is the structural, mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic system that provides the overall framework for mounting and alignment of optics and science instruments, supports payloads and utilities, and provides the three main axes of motion consisting of azimuth, elevation, and Gregorian Instrument Rotator (GIR) rotations. The GMTO Corp. has selected OHB Digital Connect and Ingersoll Machine Tools to supply the final design, fabrication, and installation of the GMT Mount. The Final Design Review of the Mount subsystem was successfully passed in June 2023. The first phase of fabrication has begun starting with the Azimuth Track Segments. This paper will describe the final design configuration of the Mount, major subassemblies, fabrication and test phasing, fabrication highlights to-date, and an overview of the prototype testing that validated the final design parameters.


Samuel Park
GMTO Corp. (United States)
Samuel Park is the Telescope Structures Manager for the Giant Magellan Telescope. He manages the development and construction of the telescope Mount working with GMTO's world-class contractors. He has developed structures and mechanisms for human space flight, non-crewed spacecraft, and a variety of precision pointing systems at the W.M. Keck Observatory, Sierra Space, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon.
Samuel Park
GMTO Corp. (United States)
Keath Beifus
GMTO Corp. (United States)
GMTO Corp. (United States)
GMTO Corp. (United States)
GMTO Corp. (United States)
Sightline Engineering Ltd. (Canada)
X Double Dot, LLC (United States)
William S. Burgett
GMTO Corp. (United States)
Nick Juelsgaard
GMTO Corp. (United States)