16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13094 > Paper 13094-68
Paper 13094-68

Technical requirements flow-down for the concept design of the novel 50-meter Atacama Large Aperture Submm Telescope (AtLAST)

20 June 2024 • 14:40 - 15:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G403/404, North - 4F


The Atacama Large Aperture Submm Telescope (AtLAST) is a concept for a novel 50-meter class single-dish telescope operating at sub-millimeter and millimeter wavelengths (30-950 GHz). The telescope will provide an unprecedented wide field of view (FoV) of 1 – 2deg diameter with a large receiver cabin housing six major instruments in Nasmyth and Cassegrain positions. The high observing frequencies, combined with the scanning operation movements with up to 3deg/s, placing high demands on accuracy and stability of the optical and structural components. The planned site location is in the Chilean Atacama Desert at approximately 5100 meters above sea level, near Llano de Chajnantor. The paper gives an overview on the optical, structural, and mechanical design concepts. It explains the flow down from key science requirements to technical design decisions as well as showing design analogies from other existing large radio and optical telescopes. Results from structural and performance analyses are presented.


Matthias Reichert
OHB Digital Connect GmbH (Germany)
Matthias Reichert is head of sales for the product line “antennas and telescopes” at OHB Digital Connect GmbH, former MT Mechatronics, in Mainz (Germany). He graduated from Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) in 2012 as a Master of Science in Mechanical and Process Engineering. After working as consultant for an industrial research association for drive technology, he joined MT Mechatronics in 2018, as an engineer in the product development and sales department for telescopes and antennas. Since 2021, he is leading OHB’s engineering activities in the AtLAST design study.
Application tracks: Radio Astronomy
Matthias Reichert
OHB Digital Connect GmbH (Germany)
Martin Timpe
OHB Digital Connect GmbH (Germany)
Independent Consultant (Germany)
European Southern Observatory (Germany)
OHB Digital Connect GmbH (Germany)
OHB Digital Connect GmbH (Germany)
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Univ. of Oslo (Norway)
Patricio A. Gallardo
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, The Univ. of Chicago (United States)
Instituto de Astrofısica and Centro de Astro-Ingenieria, Facultad de Fisica (Chile)
Pamela Klaasen
UK Astronomy Technology Ctr., The Royal Observatory, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)