16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13094 > Paper 13094-179
Paper 13094-179

MROI unit telescope enclosure #2 manufacturing and tests

18 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F


The MROI – Magdalena Ridge Observatory is a project that comprises an array of 10, 1.4m diameter mirror telescopes, arranged in a “Y” configuration. Each of these telescopes will be housed inside a Unit Telescope Enclosure (UTE) that is relocatable onto any of 28 stations. EIE GROUP Srl, based in Venice – Italy, was awarded the contract for the design, construction and erection on site of the MROI UTE by New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. The close-pack array of the MROI – including all 10 telescopes, several of which are at a relative distance of less than 8 meters center to center from each other – necessitated an original design for the UTE. February 2018 saw a series of Factory Acceptance Tests to verify that everything is working in a proper way, to guarantee the restricted performances in the sky. These performances will be respected only thanks to a detailed engineering design and special materials. The first enclosure is now on-site, in order to be assembled with the telescope, before its final positioning in the array.


EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
Mr. Gianpietro Marchiori is the President and CEO of EIE GROUP Srl, an International EPCC - Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning - Company, specialized in Management & Contracting, Engineering & Design and Production & Services. EIE is an internationally recognized player in areas such as Astronomy, Astrophysics, Big science, Civil Infrastructures and large scientific technological facilities. Mr. Marchiori has been awarded important contracts on international astronomical projects from the NTT (Rotating and Auxiliary Building), to the 4 VLTs (Enclosures and Telescope Main Structures), the LBT, TNG, THEMIS, as well as the ALMA Prototype and the ALMA 25 European Antennas. EIE is working on the construction of the Turkish DAG project, the design and fabrication of the American LSST Dome, as well as the MROI project. EIE worked on the design of the ELT project since 2008 and participated to the final tender for the both Telescope and Dome contracts assignments.
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
Cristiana Manfrin
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
Cristina Battistel
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
EIE Group S.r.l. (Italy)
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (United States)
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (United States)
Chris Salcido
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (United States)
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (United States)