16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13094 > Paper 13094-74
Paper 13094-74

A mobile, off-grid, robotic observatory for space domain awareness

20 June 2024 • 16:30 - 16:50 Japan Standard Time | Room G403/404, North - 4F


The rapidly increasing population of Earth-orbiting debris is forcing novel ideas and new partnerships within the US Space Force (USSF). Here the US Space Force presents a concept for a mobile, off-grid, robotic observatory for rapid deployment and observational support. This 1-meter aperture, 3-degree FOV telescope employs state-of-the-art commercial instrumentation in support of both satellite orbit cataloging and closely-spaced object characterization at atmospheric seeing limits, i.e. sub-1" pixels. Its relatively large etendue, high throughput, and up to 50 deg/s slews provides for high survey speeds, be it for lost space debris or astronomical transients. We will detail the design and simulated performance of this Deployable, Attritable Optical (DAO) system. Furthermore, each system will employ USSF developed observatory control software called SensorKit, completely open-source, enabling robotic operation and, if desired for SDA purposes, communication with the Unified Data Library. Scheduling, tasking, data processing and dissemination and more are a part of the US Space Force MACHINA program, presented separately in these proceedings.


Ryan Swindle
U.S. Space Force (United States)
Dr. Swindle received his PhD in Astronomy from the University of Hawaii in 2014, specializing in instrumentation and techniques for solar spectropolarimetry diagnostics. He continued his research in Space Domain Awareness at the Air Force Maui Optical & Supercomputing (AMOS) site after graduation, studying high-contrast imaging and non-resolved characterization of satellites. After 4 years as the AMOS Chief Engineer, he returned to developing novel telescope and instrumentation concepts for the US Space Force, having now designed and commissioned over a dozen pathfinding remote sensing instruments for the DoD since 2014.
Application tracks: Sustainability
Ryan Swindle
U.S. Space Force (United States)
Eric Blackhurst
PlaneWave Instruments, Inc. (United States)
Kevin Iott
PlaneWave Instruments, Inc. (United States)
Shelby Stubbe
PlaneWave Instruments, Inc. (United States)
U.S. Space Force (United States)
U.S. Space Force (United States)
Justin Fletcher
U.S. Space Force (United States)