17 - 20 June 2024
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Conference 13106 > Paper 13106-16
Paper 13106-16

QEYSSat: Canada’s first quantum communication satellite (Invited Paper)

17 June 2024 • 11:10 AM - 11:40 AM EDT | Univ. of Waterloo, QNC Room 0101


The Quantum Internet will readily transfer quantum bits between users near and far and over multiple different channels, and could be used for secure communications, distributed quantum computing and metrological applications. Satellite to ground quantum links are a crucial technology, as they will allow large distances and reaching locations with little infrastructure. I will give an overview of the upcoming Canadian quantum communication satellite mission QEYSSat, and discuss recent advances in the generation and distribution of free-space quantum information using novel techniques including time-bin and reference frame independent protocols.


Thomas Jennewein
Univ. of Waterloo (Canada)
Dr. Jennewein's main research passion is how to achieve quantum communications and a Quantum Internet on a global scale. In particular he is currently pursuing the use of satellites to accomplish intercontinental distances, and is possible with today’s technology. His field of research combines information processing technologies with the laws of quantum physics and is at the forefront of research today, giving rise to powerful new information tools such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.
Thomas Jennewein
Univ. of Waterloo (Canada)