17 - 20 June 2024
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Conference 13106 > Paper 13106-23
Paper 13106-23

Passive state BB84 for last mile quantum key distribution networks

18 June 2024 • 4:20 PM - 4:40 PM EDT | Univ. of Waterloo, QNC Room 0101


The complexity of QKD devices is one of the barriers to the scalability of quantum networks. One of the factors is the preparation of random states, which involves quantum state measurement in the quantum random number generator and then the use of active light modulation to prepare QKD states. The alternative approach is passive state preparation. It was proposed in 2010 [1] and recently investigated for security aspects [2]. The idea is to use the natural phase randomness of the laser pulses to prepare random states. This approach can help to solve the security problem of correlating the state modulation voltage. Originally, the focus was on the preparation of the polarization state. In this work, we use a laser that generates random phase pairs of consecutive pulses as a ready-to-use qubit. This allows us to simplify the Alice device. To know the sent state we slit signal and perform tomography where we post-select four BB84 states. We experimentally demonstrate passive state QKD on 10 km deployed fiber. [1] M Curty, et al. Physical Review A 82.5 (2010): 052325 [2] W Wang, et al. arxiv.org/abs/2207.05916


Yury Kurochkin
Technology Innovation Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Yury Kurochkin is Lead researcher at the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi. Yury has been conducting research in the field of quantum communication for 20 years. He has experience in fundamental and applied quantum optics research with both discrete and continuous variables. A significant part of his work focuses on the commercialization of quantum key distribution.
Yury Kurochkin
Technology Innovation Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Technology Innovation Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Rodrigo Piera
Technology Innovation Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Technology Innovation Institute (United Arab Emirates)