17 - 20 June 2024
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Conference 13106 > Paper 13106-21
Paper 13106-21

Applications of photonics in trapped ion quantum computing (Invited Paper)

18 June 2024 • 2:40 PM - 3:10 PM EDT | Univ. of Waterloo, QNC Room 0101


The quest to engineer quantum computers of a useful scope faces many challenges that will require continued investigation of the physics underlying the devices. In this talk, I focus on trapped ion quantum computing. I discuss several recent advances my research group has contributed regarding optical control of Ba+ ions for quantum information processing, including multi-level qudit control and novel all-optical loading techniques, and provide a brief outlook on how photonic technologies can enable further progress in this field.


Crystal Senko
Univ. of Waterloo (Canada)
Dr. Senko’s research focuses on using trapped ions for quantum simulations and quantum computing applications. Her work also explores qudits and how to improve the efficiency of encoding a logical unit of information using the multiple levels of a qudit.
Crystal Senko
Univ. of Waterloo (Canada)