18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13134 > Paper 13134-4
Paper 13134-4

Virtual optical instrument to model coherence scanning interferometry (Invited Paper)

20 August 2024 • 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 16A


In optical metrology, the growing demand for high-quality digital twins of surface measurement technologies, driven by increased applications of three-dimensional microscopy and imaging, is met through the development of virtual instruments (VIs). A VI replicates an optical instrument, allowing for enhanced understanding, optimisation and uncertainty evaluation of measurements. Coherence scanning interferometry (CSI), a common technique for accurate surface topography measurement, can be modelled using both approximate and rigorous scattering models. While approximate models are computationally efficient, rigorous models based on Maxwell’s equations offer high-accuracy solutions for complex light-matter interactions. Our study employs virtual coherence scanning with both model types, comparing their results, and proposing a procedure for uncertainty evaluation.


The Univ. of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Helia is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Nottingham. She completed her bachelor's degree in physics and her master's degree in condensed matter physics at the University of Tehran, Iran. Then she obtained her PhD in experimental optics at Shahid Beheshti University, Iran in 2020. Her research involves studying the properties of the materials using optical techniques, such as interferometry, diffractometry, and statistical optics. She joined the Manufacturing and Metrology Team of the University of Nottingham in 2021. Her research interest is the development of optical methods for surface topography measurement.
Application tracks: Sustainability
The Univ. of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Mohammed Isa
The Univ. of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
The Univ. of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
The Univ. of Nottingham (United Kingdom)