18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13119 > Paper 13119-13
Paper 13119-13

On-chip spin-decoupling of VCSELs with metasurfaces (Invited Paper)

18 August 2024 • 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM PDT


Taking advantages of metasurfaces, and in particular their polarization dependent response, we designed and experimentally validated CMOS compatible vectorial metasurfaces monolithically integrated with standard VCSELs for on-chip spin-decoupling and phase shaping. Our approach enables accessing the optical spin states of VCSELs in an ultra-compact way with previously unattainable phase controllability. By exploiting spin states as a new degree of freedom for laser wavefront engineering, our platform is capable of operating and reading-out the spin-momentum of lasers associated with injected spin carriers, which would potentially play a pivotal role for the development of emerging spin-optoelectronic devices.


Patrice Genevet
Colorado School of Mines (United States)
Patrice Genevet received his Ph.D. degree at the université Côte d'Azur, France in 2009. He did five years as a research fellow (2009-2014) in the Capasso group (SEAS, Harvard University) in collaboration with Prof. M.O. Scully (Texas A&M University). In 2014, he obtained the position of senior research scientist at ASTAR, Singapore. In 2015, He joined CNRS as ‘Chargé de Recherche’. He has recently been appointed as a professor of physics at the Colorado School of Mines, CO, USA. He is the recipient of several awards, including the Highly Cited Researcher by the Web of Science (every year since 2018), the ERC Starting Grant 2015, the 2017 Aimé-Cotton Price from the French Physical Society, the 2019 ERC proof of Concept, and the 2021 Fabry-De Gramont Price from the French Optical Society. P. Genevet research activities concern the development of optical metamaterials, passive and active metasurfaces, and their applications and integration in optoelectronic devices.
Patrice Genevet
Colorado School of Mines (United States)