18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13134 > Paper 13134-20
Paper 13134-20

Manufacturing ELT M1 segments: large optics in a smart factory

21 August 2024 • 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 16A


In 2017, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) awarded a contract for the Polishing, integration and final figuring of the Segment Assemblies of the primary mirror (M1) for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) to Safran Reosc. Since then, the design and commissioning of a production unit dedicated to ELT M1 has been accomplished and the plant has been producing many mirrors since spring 2022. We will introduce the smart factory, its processes and their automation that enabled reaching the current throughput of one mirror per day. We will then present the status of the project, some lessons learned and highlight the successes that have been achieved so far.


Eric Ruch
Safran Reosc (France)
Eric Ruch has been graduated form the Institute of Optics in Paris in 1984 and has joined Reosc in 1985. He has been active in optical design, project and program manager and is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Safran Reosc.
Eric Ruch
Safran Reosc (France)