18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13110 > Paper 13110-2
Paper 13110-2

Efficient single photon emission mediated by quantum plasmonic metasurfaces (Invited Paper)

18 August 2024 • 8:45 AM - 9:10 AM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 3


The generation of quantum light based on the nondeterministic process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) is usually performed by using bulky conventional nonlinear crystals and waveguides. However, these structures require strict momentum conservation for the involved photons, which strongly limits the versatility of the single photon emission they produce. In addition, the entangled state emission can only be obtained with a certain probability that is usually very small due to the inherent extremely weak nature of nonlinear optical processes. Quantum optical metasurfaces help to overcome these constraints due to their subwavelength thickness leading to relaxed momentum conservation (or phase-matching) requirements and increased optical nonlinear efficiencies. In our talk, we demonstrate compact quantum plasmonic metasurfaces to efficiently generate entangled and correlated single-photon pairs with unprecedently high SPDC generation rates.


The Pennsylvania State Univ. (United States)
Christos Argyropoulos is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Pennsylvania State University, USA. He has published over 320 technical papers in highly ranked journals and refereed conference proceedings. He has been the recipient of several awards and recognitions for his research studies, such as the 2023 EurAAP Leopold B. Felsen Award for Excellence in Electrodynamics, 2019 ONR Young Investigator Award, 2017 ONR faculty research fellowship, 2017 URSI Young Scientist Award, 2013 IEEE APS Junior Researcher Award, the international Travel Grant by Royal Academy of Engineering and twice the Marie Curie Actions Grant by the European School of Antennas. He is an elected Fellow of Optica and senior member of IEEE, and SPIE.
The Pennsylvania State Univ. (United States)