18 - 22 August 2024
San Diego, California, US
Conference 13123 > Paper 13123-501
Paper 13123-501

A perovskite paved pathway to multi-terawatt scale photovoltaics (Plenary Presentation)

18 August 2024 • 6:05 PM - 6:45 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 6A


This talk will consider the future of metal halide perovskite (MHP) photovoltaic (PV) technologies as photovoltaic deployment reaches the terawatt scale. The requirements for significantly increasing PV deployment beyond current rates and what the implications are for technologies attempting to meet this challenge will be addressed. In particular how issues of CO2 impacts and sustainability inform near and longer-term research development and deployment goals for MHP enabled PV will be discussed. To facilitate this, an overview of current state of the art results for MHP based single junction, and multi-junctions in all-perovskite or hybrid configurations with other PV technologies will be presented. This will also include examination of performance of MHP-PVs along both efficiency and reliability axes for not only cells but also modules placed in context of the success of technologies that are currently widely deployed.


Joseph J. Berry
National Renewable Energy Lab. (United States)
Joseph Berry is a Senior Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory working on halide perovskite solar cells. He has experience across multiple photovoltaic technologies as well as doing work in other energy technologies (e.g., light emitting diodes). His efforts at NREL emphasize relating basic interfacial properties to relevant device level behaviors in traditional and novel semiconductor heterostructures including oxides, organics and most recently hybrid semiconductors. He is also a principal investigator on the NREL lead Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technology Offices “Advanced Perovskite Cells and Modules” program, the director of the US-Manufacturing of Advanced Perovskites (US-MAP) Consortium, a thrust lead in the Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy (CHOISE) a DOE Energy Frontier Research Center, a Fellow at the Renewable And Sustainable Energy Institute, a joint energy institute between the University Colorado Boulder and NREL
Joseph J. Berry
National Renewable Energy Lab. (United States)