Abstracts extended to 12 February
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3 - 7 August 2025
San Diego, California, US
Technical Event
Workshop on Solar Energy: Heliostats, Metrology Challenges, and Heliostat Consortium Funding Opportunities
24 August 2022 • 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 17B 

Heliostat plants are large-scale solar-power-generating systems in which thousands of heliostats (tracking mirrors) reflect sunlight onto a central receiver tower. The incident solar power is absorbed by the receiver and transferred to a working fluid. This heat can be directly used for industrial processes or electricity generation through a thermodynamic cycle. The heat can also be stored within thermal energy systems such as molten salt for dispatchability.

Heliostat mirrors play a crucial role, and their performance has a direct impact on the economic viability of the heliostat plants. Mirror metrology is the subject of this workshop, which aims at bringing together experts from national labs, industry, and academia to discuss challenges and funding opportunities. The speakers will provide an overview of the subject in a clear and concise manner and describe the needs and challenges. No prior knowledge of solar energy or heliostats is assumed, and all interested parties are invited to attend. Working lunch is served.

For more information, contact Ali Khounary, amk@iit.edu