16 - 20 February 2025
San Diego, California, US
Technical Event
Live Demonstrations Workshop
21 February 2023 • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PST | Pacific A 
Workshop Chairs: Karen Drukker, The Univ. of Chicago Medicine (United States); Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Michigan Medicine (United States); Horst Karl Hahn, Fraunhofer-Institut für Digitale Medizin MEVIS (Germany)


The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for systems and algorithms developers to show off their creations. The intent is for the audience to be inspired to conduct derivative research, for the demonstrators to receive feedback and find new collaborators, and for all to learn about the rapidly evolving field of medical imaging. The Live Demonstration Workshop invites participation from all of the conferences that comprise the SPIE Medical Imaging symposium. We encourage the CAD, Digital Pathology, Image Processing, Imaging Informatics, Image Perception, Image-Guided Procedures, Modeling, Physics, and Robotic Interventions conferences to participate. This workshop features interactive demonstrations that are complementary to the topics of SPIE Medical Imaging. Workshop demonstrations include samples, systems, and software demonstrations that depict the implementation, operation, and utility of cutting-edge as well as mature research. Having an accepted SPIE Medical Imaging paper is not required for giving a Live Demonstration; however, authors of SPIE Medical Imaging papers are encouraged to submit demonstrations that are complementary to their oral and poster presentations.

The session will include a Certificate of Merit Award and $500 prize sponsored by Siemens Healthineers presented to one demonstration considered to be of exceptional interest. We invite all workshop visitors to vote for three of their favorite demonstrations, with the final winner chosen from the top scorers by a group of appointed judges.

This year's live demonstrations include:
    A Multi-Channel Reconstruction (MCR) Toolkit for preclinical and clinical x-ray CT
    Darin Clark, Duke Univ. (United States)
    VICTRE: Open-Source In Silico Breast Imaging Pipeline
    Miguel A. Lago, US Food & Drug Administration (United States)
    Intensity-based 2D-3D registration for determination of fragment position in pelvic fracture procedures
    Stephanie Häger, Fraunhofer MEVIS (Germany)
    OncoCHANGE: An Efficient One-Click Solution for Fully Automatic Tumor Follow-Up Assessment
    Stefan Heldmann, Fraunhofer MEVIS (Germany)
    Open-source tool for model performance analysis for subpopulations
    Stijn van de Wiele, Barco N.V. (Belgium)
    minimARing - AR solution for interactive heart valve surgery planning
    Anja Hennemuth, Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité (Germany)
    Interactive breast lesion designer for virtual trials based on Perlin noise
    Magnus Dustler, Medicinska Fakulteten - Lunds Universitet (Sweden)
    Image-based Assessment of Anatomical Structures and Position Uncertainty for TAVI Planning
    Johanna Brosig, Fraunhofer MEVIS (Germany)
    DeepCSeg: a tool kit for instance whole cell and cell nucleus segmentation on immunofluorescence multiplexed images 
    Wenchao Han, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Univ. of Toronto (Canada)
    Statistical software for ROC analysis of multi-reader multi-case diagnostic imaging studies
    Brian Smith, Univ. of Iowa (United States)

Teams from academia (universities, university medical centers, research organizations), government, and industry are invited to participate in this year's workshop. Demonstration of research prototypes are highly encouraged, and requirements stipulated that they should be scientific and not commercial in nature. Demonstration of research prototypes is highly encouraged. After you submit a description of your proposed demonstration, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. The organizers will accept teams for demonstrations based on the quality of the provided description. If there are more proposals than presentation slots in the workshop, organizers will also strive to select a representative mix of applications. Notification of acceptance/rejection of your demonstration for the Workshop will be emailed about 3 weeks before the conference (see important dates above).

Rules for demonstrations accepted for presentation at the Live Demonstrations Workshop: