16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13100 > Paper 13100-236
Paper 13100-236

Tunable dual-polarization photonic ring resonator filters for OH-supressed ground-based astronomy

On demand | Presented live 20 June 2024


Currently, ground-based infrared astronomical observations suffer from an irreducible background generated by emission from OH (hydroxyl) molecules in the upper atmosphere. However, if narrow-band notch filters could be incorporated into the optical path of astronomical instruments, then this background could be effectively suppressed with very little accompanying loss of signal from the astronomical sources of interest. Photonic ring resonators are one technology that provides a promising method of generating such notch filters. We describe our efforts to resolve heretofore-intractable engineering problems in the application of photonic ring resonators, improving their performance to the point where they can be usefully integrated with functional astronomical instrumentation.


Lowell Observatory (United States)
Dr Kuehn is the Director of Technology at Lowell Observatory, where his research focuses on the application of photonic technologies to novel astronomical instrumentation. Prior to his tenure at Lowell, he was an Instrument Scientist and Project Manager at the Australian Astronomical Observatory. He also served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Argonne National Laboratory and The Ohio State University. He received his PhD in Particle Astrophysics from the University of California, Irvine.
Application tracks: Astrophotonics
Lowell Observatory (United States)
Lowell Observatory (United States)
Argonne National Lab. (United States)
Robert Kehoe
Southern Methodist Univ. (United States)
Southern Methodist Univ. (United States)
Southern Methodist Univ. (United States)
Southern Methodist Univ. (United States)
Simon C. Ellis
Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie Univ. (Australia)