16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13100 > Paper 13100-170
Paper 13100-170

Thermal modeling and experimental verification of the HEPS radiation monitor heat dissipation management

19 June 2024 • 17:30 - 19:00 Japan Standard Time | Room G5, North - 1F


A concept of the small radiation monitor was developed in the bridge phase of the ESA planned VIGIL mission. RM was required to dissipate its heat to the outer space while the thermal link with the S/C was designed to be weak. Radiation monitor had an aluminum housing consisting of an upper and a lower parts, as well as a rear wall which served as a radiator. Within the housing, detector telescopes and PCBs were mounted. Heat from both solar radiance and internal generation was dissipated solely through radiators while the unit was isolated and protected with MLI. Technical challenges of heat dissipation were addressed and solved using modelling based on the ANSYS software. Fully representative thermal model was constructed and tested using dedicated experimental setup in a cryogenic chamber. Measurements obtained for various operation modes of the instrument proved the thermal model concept and validated calculation results.


Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland)
graduated from the Jagellonian University (UJ) in Cracow Poland PhD at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zuerich (ETHZ) professional career: a physics assistant at UJ and ETHZ. a research scientist in the Laboratory for Astrophysics of the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland. a member of the PSI Laboratory for Particle Physics (LTP) in charge of the particle exposure facilities for components and material tests (PIF – proton irradiation facility and EMON – electron mono-chromator). a senior scientist, he is affiliated to the LTP Detectors, Irradiations, and Applied Particle Physics group (DIAPP). His main activities: particle irradiation facilities for components testing (PIF, EMON), space instrumentation for the space weather studies, observations of the Earth and Solar system radiation environment
Application tracks: Astrophotonics , Sustainability
Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland)
Xinyu Wang
Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland)