16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13093 > Paper 13093-204
Paper 13093-204

Measurements of the soft proton reflectivity on x-ray optics

On demand | Presented live 17 June 2024


Orbital soft protons that reach the detector region of astronomical X-ray observatories can seriously degrade the instrumental performance. Firstly, they pose a non-reducible background component and, secondly, they might induce permanent damage in the sensors. A reliable performance estimation and risk assessment for new X-ray missions is only possible when radiation transport simulations are based on and validated against experimental scattering data.

In order to address this need for experimental data, we conducted measurement campaigns at various accelerator facilities and at different energies below 1 MeV in the past decade. Targets ranged from classic gold-coated nickel shells as used for the optics of XMM-Newton and eROSITA to the latest silicon pore optics (SPO) samples coated with iridium as foreseen for Athena.

The latest measurements with SPO samples were taken with a completely new experimental design at considerably lower energies than before, ranging from 20 keV to 50 keV, and with an MCP detector that features two dimensional position resolution. Therefore, this data is even more relevant for background studies and features a much finer angular coverage. Furthermore, the data yield hints that a significant fraction of scattered protons undergoes charge exchange and, thus, is not affected by a magnetic diverter.

In this contribution, we give an overview of the different proton experiments and their results and present our new low-energy setup together with some preliminary results.


Sebastian J. Diebold
Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen (Germany)
2004 - 2011: Physics studies at Univ. Freiburg and Tübingen, Germany 2011 - 2015: PhD studies at the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Tübingen (IAAT): „Development and Testing of Instrumentation for Space-Based UV and X-Ray Astronomy“ supervised by Prof. K. Werner und Prof. A. Santangelo 2015 - 2020: Postdoc at IAAT: Hardware development for CTA (FlashCam, MST mirror actuators, mirror characterization setup); measurement and simulations of radiation hardness of X-ray instrumentation; measurements of grazing angle proton scattering 2020 - now: Permanent scientist position at IAAT: coordinating all UV related hardware activities; measurement and simulations of radiation hardness of X-ray instrumentation; measurements of grazing angle proton scattering
Sebastian J. Diebold
Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen (Germany)
Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen (Germany)
Goethe-Univ. Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen (Germany)
Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen (Germany)
Emanuele Perinati
Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen (Germany)
Andrea Santangelo
Eberhard Karls Univ. Tübingen (Germany)