16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13093 > Paper 13093-185
Paper 13093-185

MINERVA, a new x-ray facility at the ALBA Synchrotron devoted to assemble and characterize the Silicon Pore Optics Mirror Modules for the NewATHENA mission

On demand | Presented live 17 June 2024


The ALBA Synchrotron (Barcelona, Spain) has built MINERVA a new X-ray facility designed to support the development of the NewATHENA mission (Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics), whose objective is to observe and study energetic objects in space (accretion disk around black holes, large-scale structure, etc...). MINERVA is dedicated to assemble stacks manufactured by cosine into mirror modules (MM), building blocks of the NewATHENA optics. This new beamline is originally based on the X-ray parallel beam facility XPBF 2.0 at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB at BESSY II) but also includes additional features on the scanning scheme to improve the characterization time of each MM produced. Interoperability between MINERVA and XPBF 2.0 is nonetheless preserved to boost the mass production of the MMs and characterize their performance. MINERVA is now in operation and has been funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
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Dominique Heinis
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
Dominique Heinis holds a pH.D. from the optical department of the FEMTO-ST Institute (University of Franche-Comté) and an engineering degree from the Télécom Physique school in Strasbourg. In his earlier achievements, he developed several new schemes for scanning near-field microscopes (SNOM) based on the principle of laser optical feedback or interferometric heterodyne detection. Later by joining a private company, he developed and validated innovative non-invasive measurement methods by coupling statistical learning algorithms with metrology where the instrumentation have to survive in harsh conditions. Today, at Alba Synchrotron he leads the optics and metrology group and is associated with the design and construction of several X-ray beamlines. He also manages the operation of the new X-ray facility MINERVA.
Application tracks: Astrophotonics
Dominique Heinis
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
CELLS - ALBA (Spain)
cosine measurement systems (Netherlands)
cosine measurement systems (Netherlands)
cosine measurement systems (Netherlands)
cosine measurement systems (Netherlands)
Physikalish-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) (Germany)
Levent Cibik
Physikalish-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) (Germany)
Physikalish-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) (Germany)
European Space Agency (Netherlands)