16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13097 > Paper 13097-79
Paper 13097-79

High-contrast imaging at first-light of the GMT: The PDR optical and mechanical design for the GMagAO-X ExAO system and results from the HCAT testbed with an HDFS phased parallel DM prototype

20 June 2024 • 13:40 - 13:55 Japan Standard Time | Room G301/302, North - 3F


ELTs have the potential for imaging reflected light from habitable rocky planets around M-stars. To address that exciting science we present the PDR level optical-mechanical design for a high-contrast coronagraphic instrument for the 25.4m GMT called GMagAO-X. To meet the strict ExAO fitting and servo error requirement (<90nm rms WFE), GMagAO-X must have 21,000 actuator DM capable of >2KHz update speeds. To minimize wavefront/segment piston error GMagAO-X has an interferometric beam combiner on a vibration isolated table, as part of this 21,000 actuator “parallel DM”. Segment/petal piston errors are continuously sensed by a novel Holographic Dispersed Fringe Sensor (HDFS). In addition to a coronagraph, it has a post-coronagraphic Lyot Low Order WFS (LLOWFS) for NCP. Here we present our successful, externally reviewed (Feb. 2024), PDR optical-mechanical design that satisfies GMagAO-X’s top-level science requirements and is compliant with the GMT instrument requirements/ICDs and only requires COTS parts and 2-5" optics. We have also prototyped the parallel DM and the HDFS phasing sensor on the HCAT testbed. We show initial testbed results from both, on-sky results for HDFS.


Steward Observatory (United States)
Laird specializes in novel astronomical observations utilizing new adaptive optics instrumentation. He is utilizing adaptive optics (which removes the blurring effects of the Earth's atmosphere) to study at very high resolution: exoplanets, low-mass stars, and brown dwarfs. As well he is interested in massive old AGB stars, young planets in the process of forming, & solar system objects like Titan and binary asteroids. He has been involved in the development of several adaptive optics systems and special high-contrast high resolution infrared cameras. He is the head scientist (PI) of the Magellan Adaptive Secondary AO system in Chile. He is the lead Optical and Mechanical scientist for the extreme AO system MagAO-X (used at the 6.5m Magellan Telescope) and GMagAO-X instrument (designed for first light of the 25.4m Giant Magellan Telescope). He is the PI of the GMT High Contrast AO Testbed (HCAT).
Steward Observatory (United States)
Maggie Y. Kautz
Steward Observatory (United States)
Sebastiaan Y. Haffert
Steward Observatory (United States)
Steward Observatory (United States)
Olivier Durney
Steward Observatory (United States)
Steward Observatory (United States)
Victor Gasho
Steward Observatory (United States)
Steward Observatory (United States)
Jamison Noenickx
Steward Observatory (United States)
Steward Observatory (United States)
Doug Kelly
Steward Observatory (United States)
Northrop Grumman Corporation (United States)