16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan
Conference 13093 > Paper 13093-19
Paper 13093-19

Breaking through the geocoronal barrier: spectroscopic validation of the hydrogen absorption cell for Lyman-alpha attenuation

16 June 2024 • 16:20 - 16:40 Japan Standard Time | Room G414/415, North - 4F


The Johns Hopkins Rocket Group is developing a hydrogen absorption cell to mitigate the Lyman-alpha emission challenge posed by the geocorona for astronomical observations in the Lyman ultraviolet (LUV) spectrum (100-120 nm) from low-Earth orbit. This prototype, a low-pressure (~3 torr) stainless steel chamber with two lithium fluoride (LiF) windows, enables transmission down to about 103 nm. It thermally dissociates molecular hydrogen into atomic form using a heated tungsten filament, absorbing Lyman-alpha radiation and preventing resonant scattering. Our preliminary results with the Long-slit Imaging Dual Order Spectrograph (LIDOS) reveal variations in Lyman-alpha absorption with different filament types and indicate potential molecular hydrogen fluorescence and electron impact excitation. These findings are vital for advancing hydrogen absorption cell technology in future LUV missions.


Johns Hopkins Univ. (United States)
Ms. Ravi is a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University. She is currently preparing to defend her dissertation and works with the JHU rocket group on hydrogen absorption cell technology.
Application tracks: Astrophotonics
Johns Hopkins Univ. (United States)
Johns Hopkins Univ. (United States)
Russell Pelton
Johns Hopkins Univ. (United States)
Johns Hopkins Univ. (United States)