16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan


Booth: 402 | View floor plan



Stieltjesweg 1
Website: www.tno.nl/astronomy


15 May 2024
HVR-ASM Operates on NASA-IRTF, new DM consortium being formed...
In early 2024, TNO with its development partners deliverer an Adaptive Secondary Mirror (ASM) for the NASA-IRTF Telescope in Hawaii. The project went from design concept to delivered hardware in under a year. The DM “closed the loop” in early operations on the telescope. TNO has worked with the following Development partners on the HVR DMs: • University of Hawaii: advisor and telescope operations for IRTF and UH88 • University of California: test and research partner (FLASH, APF and KASM), facesheet development (IRTF) • TNO: DM design, development and performance testing • VDL: actuators & support structure manufacturing • AAC Clyde Space: electronics development • Fraunhofer Institute: facesheet pre-forming • NOVA: facesheet finishing In late 2024, TNO is planning to deliver an ASM for the UH88 (2.2 meter) telescope in Hawaii. This ASM is 620 mm in diameter and has 210 actuators. An industry consortium is taking shape to commercialize the HVR Deformable Mirror technology.