16 - 21 June 2024
Yokohama, Japan

Ohara Inc.

Booth: 521 | View floor plan



Ohara Inc.
15-30 Oyama 1-Chome
Website: www.ohara-inc.co.jp/en

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11 March 2024
Ohara's Glass Enables Navigation and Spectroscopy on JAXA's SLIM
Ohara Corporation's optical glass was used in the navigation camera of the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM), a small lunar landing demonstrator launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on September 7, 2023. Using image navigation with this navigation camera, SLIM was able to accurately estimate its own position and successfully land on the lunar surface. This landing involved the use of maps and data created from lunar surface images taken by the lunar orbiting satellite "Kaguya" (launched on September 14, 2007), which used our company's "CLEARCERAM™-Z." Landing was achieved by matching images taken by the navigation camera equipped with SLIM. It will be the fifth country in the world (the United States, Russia, China, India, and Japan) to land on the moon, and pinpoint landing at the target location is currently being confirmed, but if success is confirmed, it will be a world-first feat. Furthermore, after landing on the moon, rocks will be analyzed in order to elucidate the origin of the moon, and our optical glass is also used in the filter glass of spectroscopic cameras. Our optical glass has contributed to space exploration for many years, including the Apollo moon landing. In recent years, private companies in various countries have been actively promoting space utilization and space development, and interest in space is increasing. Our company will continue to contribute to space exploration by providing advanced materials that are essential to space exploration. For more info on SLIM visit JAXA Website below→ https://www.jaxa.jp/projects/sas/slim/index_j.html https://www.isas.jaxa.jp/en/missions/spacecraft/current/slim.html
10 May 2024
OHARA to Debut in SPIE Oral Presentation!
We're thrilled to announce that OHARA will be making its debut in an SPIE oral presentation, showcasing our ultra low expansion glass-ceramics product, CLEARCERAM-Z(TM). This innovative material is ideal for applications requiring exceptional thermal stability and optical performance. Save the date! Date: June 19, 2024 Time: 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM Japan Standard Time Hall: Room G219, North - 2F Conference #: 13094 Paper #: 13094-53 Meet the Speaker: The presentation will be delivered by Mr. Yashihiko Omata, General Manager of OHARA's Advanced Material Product Division. Mr. Omata has been a key contributor to technological innovation. Specializing in materials for the critical exposure process in semiconductor manufacturing and key devices in optical communications, he has consistently proposed unique products, contributing significantly to advancements in technology. His expertise also extends to the space sector, where he has played a crucial role in the manufacturing of artificial satellites and large astronomical telescopes. Join us in welcoming Mr. Omata and learn more about CLEARCERAM-Z(TM) at this prestigious conference event!
10 May 2024
Relief Aid for Damages Following the Earthquake in Eastern Taiwan
We would like to extend our deepest condolences to all those affected by the recent earthquake that struck off the east coast of Taiwan. OHARA Group have decided to donate 2.4 million yen (equivalent to approximately NT$500,000) through the Japanese Red Cross Society for the purpose of supporting the affected areas. We sincerely hope for the earliest possible recovery.
10 May 2024
OHARA OPTICAL(M)SDN.BHD. exhibits at Semicon SEA 2024
Date  : May 28th (TUE) to 30th (THU), 2024 Venue : #432 : MITEC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia URL  : https://www.semiconsea.org/
10 May 2024
オハラローズガーデン2024年5月一般公開 および「OHARAキッズパーク with SC相模原」実施のお知らせ
2024年5月11日(土)、12日(日)に、株式会社オハラが運営する「オハラローズガーデン」を一般公開します。 オハラローズガーデンは、当社二代目社長の秋田忠義が地域への社会貢献のために開園し、現在、約150種600株のバラをご覧いただけます。 また、オハラローズガーデンの公開にあわせて、お子さんを対象とした「OHARAキッズパーク with SC相模原」を実施します。この取り組みは、SC相模原とオハラが地域課題の解決を目的に推進するプログラム「子育て支援プログラムwith OHARA」に基づくもので、SC相模原のクラブマスコット「ガミティ」をイメージしたふわふわ遊具がお楽しみいただけます。 みなさまのお越しをお待ちしております。 【オハラローズガーデン 一般公開日概要】 開催日程:5月11日(土)、12日(日) 開園日時:10:00~16:00 場  所:神奈川県相模原市中央区小山1-15-30 入  場:無料 ※会場内への持ち込み飲食はお控えください。 ※ペットの同伴はご遠慮ください。 ローズガーデン詳細(開花情報がご覧いただけます) https://www.ohara-inc.co.jp/sustainability/shareholder/rosegarden/ 【「OHARAキッズパーク with SC相模原」概要】 開催日程:5月11日(土)、12日(日) 開園日時:11:00~15:00 対  象:3歳~小学6年生 (ご来場は保護者の方の同伴が必須となります) 入  場:無料 ※雨天・荒天の場合は中止となります。 ※ローズガーデンの開園時間と異なりますのでご注意ください。 【アクセス】 アクセス:JR横浜線、JR相模線、京王相模原線:橋本駅 南口より徒歩約20分 JR横浜線:相模原駅 南口より徒歩約20分 【駐車場のご案内】 駐車場入り口は西門(小山公園側)となります。 左折入場のみとさせていただきます。 正門は歩行者専用のため、車両の入場および通行は禁止いたします。
10 March 2024
E6 Glass Featured in National Geographic
National Geographic | A Glass Revolution is Underway: National Geographic’s February 2024 issue includes the article, “A glass revolution is underway. Spoiler alert: it bends and bounces,” which features Ohara’s E6 Low Expansion Glass. The article highlights how E6 glass is melted and processed in Japan and serves a pivotal role in the spin-cast mirrors used in several of the world’s largest telescopes. National Geographic emphasizes that E6 glass is just one example of how glass is being reinvented to make huge technological and industrial advancements. As a multi-decade supplier to The University of Arizona, Ohara has provided more than 200,000 kgs of E6 glass for numerous telescope projects, including the MMT, the Magellan Telescope, the Large Binocular Telescope, and the Giant Magellan Telescope. Check the news out here→ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/glass-revolution-innovation?loggedin=true&rnd=1707334817069
16 June 2024
OHARA inc. Exciting Announcement for SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024 Attendees!
OHARA inc. are thrilled to announce that we will be the official lanyard sponsor for the upcoming SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024! As you navigate through the cosmos of knowledge and innovation at this premier event, your visitor badge will be accompanied by a lanyard that’s not just a holder, but a statement of style and function. Choose Your Style: We will be presenting three exclusive lanyard designs at the exhibition. Each one crafted to complement your experience at the symposium. Whether you’re attending presentations, networking with peers, or exploring the latest technological advancements, our lanyards will ensure you do so with ease and elegance. Sustainability Meets Innovation: Our lanyards are designed with sustainability in mind, using eco-friendly materials that reflect our commitment to the environment. They are durable, comfortable, and perfect for your all-day wear at the symposium. A Token to Remember: These lanyards are more than just an accessory; they are a keepsake from the most valuable technical event for ground-based, airborne, and space-based telescopes and their supporting instrumentation. Take a piece of the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024 home with you! We can’t wait to see you there, adorned with the lanyard that suits your style and passion for astronomical engineering. Let’s make this event not just informative, but also fashionable! Save the Date: Join us from 16—21 June 2024 in Yokohama, Japan, and be a part of advancing astronomical engineering around the globe. See you among the stars! ✨