16 - 19 September 2024
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference 13203 > Paper 13203-14
Paper 13203-14

A graphene-metal metasurface for terahertz modulation with a depth of several orders of magnitude

18 September 2024 • 16:00 - 16:20 BST | Harris


Next-generation communication systems necessitate rapid and efficient control of terahertz (THz) signals to encode data streams. Graphene-based metamaterials have emerged as promising candidates for effective THz modulation owing to graphene’s large electrically controllable conductivity. However, a significant challenge arises from graphene’s inability to achieve full depletion at the Dirac point, limiting the transmission modulation depth in most LC-resonant metasurface modulators. To overcome this limitation, we exploit the interference of Fresnel reflection components from the metasurface and the substrate and propose tuneable capacitors as active elements. Our study presents single-layer, all-solid-state, graphene-metal metasurface modulators operating in the THz range, characterized using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Our approach enables us to achieve intensity modulation of more than four orders of magnitude. These findings underscore the potential of graphene-based metamaterials in advancing THz communication technologies.


Ruqiao Xia
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Ruqiao did her Bachelor studies at the University of Manchester and completed her Master studies at UCL. She is now doing her PhD studies in Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge. Ruqiao’s research work focuses on design, optimization, and fabrication of devices for next generation high-speed THz communication systems within the EPSRC programme grant “TeraCom” (https://teracom.uk/).
Ruqiao Xia
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Harvey E Beere
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Stephan Hofmann
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
David A Ritchie
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Wladislaw Michailow
Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)