19 - 22 October 2025
Rochester, NY, US
Technical Event
Laser-Induced Damage Testing: History and Tutorial
18 September 2022 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT | MEETING ROOM A+B 
Chaired by:

Michael Thomas, Spica Technologies (United States)

This talk will address the history of laser damage testing and how early measurement techniques have given way to current best practices and the development of those best practices across multiple wavelength ranges. The talk will discuss current methodologies, which have been driven by the development of the laser marketplace and the need for manufacturers and end users to qualify and assure components will meet the laser damage needs at the system level. The talk will conclude with novel measurement techniques and the direction of future work supporting the growth of laser technologies.

Michael Thomas is a graduate of the University of Rochester, Institute of Optics in 1983. His interest in the manufacturing and development of thin films coatings was born out of two family businesses, which were spun off from Bell Laboratories in the late 60’s. Upon graduation he joined Sander’s Associates in Nashua New Hampshire doing solid state laser research and development. Mr. Thomas founded Spica Technologies in 1991 and has authored or co-authored nearly 40 publications. He became a SPIE Senior Member in 2019.