Proceedings Volume 2929

Effects of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems II

Proceedings Volume 2929

Effects of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems II

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Volume Details

Date Published: 25 November 1996
Contents: 3 Sessions, 27 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: BiOS Europe '96 1996
Volume Number: 2929

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Cellular Effects
  • Tissue Effects
  • Poster Session
Cellular Effects
Different sensitivity of cells from tumor-bearing organisms to continuous-wave and pulsed laser radiation (lambda = 632.8 nm) evaluated by chemiluminescence test
Tiina I. Karu, T. P. Ryabykh, Sergei N. Antonov, et al.
Chemiluminescence test results were used to evaluate the sensitivity of human blood and murine splenocytes to continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed He-Ne laser light. It is demonstrated that CW radiation has in our experimental conditions practically no effect on the luminol-amplified chemiluminescence of four models under study. The pulsed radiation had a week inhibiting effect on the samples from healthy organisms but inhibited markedly the chemiluminescence of samples from tumor-bearing organisms. The effect depended on duration of dark period between pulses. A transient local heating mechanism is proposed to explain the inhibition of activity of NADPH-oxidase.
Low-energy doses of visible (633 nm) and near-infrared (780 nm) lasers change intracellular Ca2+ concentration in fibroblasts
Rachel Lubart, Harry Friedmann, N. Grossmann, et al.
It has been found that low power lasers in the visible and near IR cause biostimulation of injured tissues. We therefore studied the effect of a light source in the visible, HeNe, 633nm, and near IR 780nm, on fibroblast proliferation. We found that at certain low energy doses there is an enhancement in their proliferation. As intracellular Ca2+ movements play a vital role in cell proliferation, we measured intracellular Ca2+ concentration variations in irradiated fibroblasts by using a dynamic fibroblast proliferation also change intracellular Ca2+ concentration in these cells.
Ultrastructural changes in chondriome of human lymphocytes after irradiation with HeNe laser: appearance of giant mitochondria
Valentina Manteifel, L. Bakeeva, Tiina I. Karu
The structure of mitochondria was studied after irradiation of human lymphocytes with an HeNe laser. Ultrathin sections of the lymphocytes were studied by electron microscopy 1 h after the irradiation. The irradiation resulted in a 20 percent increase in the mean number of mitochondrial profiles on cell section without increase in their total area. 3D reconstruction of mitochondria from ultrathin sections through the whole lymphocyte showed that the number of mitochondria was reduced to 9-12 in the irradiated cells compared to 40-45 in the control cells. In the irradiated lymphocytes also 2-4 branching giant mitochondria were revealed among of small discrete mitochondria.
Laser irradiation of mouse spermatozoa enhances in-vitro fertilization and Ca2+ uptake via reactive oxygen species
Natalie Cohen, Rachel Lubart, Sara Rubinstein, et al.
630 nm He-Ne laser irradiation was found to have a profound influence on Ca2+ uptake in mouse spermatozoa and the fertilizing potential of these cells. Laser irradiation affected mainly the mitochondrial Ca2+ transport mechanisms. Furthermore, the effect of light was found to be Ca2+-dependent. We demonstrate that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in the cascade of biochemical events evoked by laser irradiation. A causal association between laser irradiation, ROS generation, and sperm function was indicated by studies with ROS scavengers, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, and exogenous hydrogen peroxide. SOD treatment resulted in increased Ca2+ uptake and in enhanced fertilization rate. Catalase treatment impaired the light-induced stimulation in Ca2+ uptake and fertilization rate. Exogenous hydrogen peroxide was found to enhance Ca2+ uptake in mouse spermatozoa and the fertilizing capability of these cells in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that the effect of 630 nm He-Ne laser irradiation is mediated through the generation of hydrogen peroxide by the spermatozoa and that this effect plays a significant role in the augmentation of the sperm cells' capability to fertilize metaphase II-arrested eggs in-vitro.
Irradiation with HeNe laser can influence the cytotoxic response of HeLa cells to ionizing radiation
Tiina I. Karu, Ludmila V. Pyatibrat, G. Kalendo
A monolayer of HeLa cells in plateau-phase of growth was exposed to He-Ne laser radiation either 5 min, 60 min or 180 min before (gamma) -irradiation. It has been shown that in the case of a 5-min interval between the two types of irradiations the survival curve was practically identical to the survival curve of the cells after (gamma) -irradiation only. In the case of He-Ne laser exposure 60 min before (gamma) -irradiation with doses of over 5 Gy, a fraction of more resistant cells was revealed: their D0 was twice as high as the D0 of the min population. A preexposure of cells to He-Ne laser 60 or 180 min before (gamma) - irradiation also changed the shape of the growth curves as compared to (gamma) -irradiated cells. It is proposed that the preexposure of cells to He-Ne laser radiation activates, in a subpopulation of cells, processes which speed up the repair of (gamma) -radiation damage. The possibility that the described phenomenon is an adaptive response of cells is discussed.
Nonlinear intracellular dynamics of photosensitizers during PDT
Angelika C. Rueck, Nermin Akguen, K. Heckelsmiller, et al.
The dynamic of hydrophilic photosensitizers was investigated in single cells during light activation. Laser scanning microscopy, steady-state and time-resolved microspectrofluorometry were used to serve the subcellular localization of the drugs and to analyze the fluorescence kinetic during continuous irradiation. The quantitative phototoxic response of the cells was determined at low light doses as well as higher light doses. Morphological changes of the cells as well as phototoxic response were correlated with the fluorescence kinetics of the sensitizers. In detail, meso-tetra porphyrine, tetra-sulfonated aluminum phthalocyanine and Methylene Blue showed a nonlinear kinetic behavior at low light doses which was dependent on the growth phase of the cells. A pycnotic cell nuclei was correlated with a change in the kinetic behavior and observed at higher light doses. In the case of hydrophilic dyes, light induced stimulation of the cells and phototoxic damage are dose dependent and are influenced by the nonlinear kinetics of the photosensitizers.
Red light effect on the survival of cells exposed to gamma rays
Victor A. Monich, Svetlana L. Malinovskaya, Elvira Lokhmachova, et al.
Radioprotective effect of low-power laser light is a common discussion nowadays. However, specific features of laser radiation do not influence on the results of low-power light effect on biological objects. Taking into consideration the simplicity of the device to produce the luminescence and the possibility to change the radiation range it seems reasonable to study the radiomodifying effect of luminescent light.
Tissue Effects
Is topically applied irradiation with visible and IR light at low fluence rates able to produce systemic effects: literature review and experience
Liesbeth Schindl, Andreas Schindl
The authors review the literature dealing with systemic effects of low power laser irradiation under tin vitro and in vivo conditions. Additionally, we report on the results of two experiments designed to evaluate the possible systemic effects of topically applied low power laser light. In the first set of experiments, we showed significant changes on pre-immunized rabbits' differential blood count and body temperature after transcutaneously delivered laser light. In the second experimental trial, patients suffering from diabetic angiopathy were treated with laser light. Determination of blood flow by means of IR-thermography revealed significant increases in temperature over the affected region and the non-irradiated contralateral extremity.
Effect of low-power luminescent irradiation on surgical and burn wounds of soft tissues
Victor A. Monich, Svetlana L. Malinovskaya, Elvira Lokhmachova, et al.
It is shown, that direct, of low-intensity luminescent incoherent radiation (LUMIR) exposure on the surgery skin wound, causes the acceleration of wound healing in rats. The influence of LUMIR spectrum at the wound healing processes was found.
Systemic increase in blood flow in conditions of disturbed microcirculation after low-power laser irradiation
Andreas Schindl, Liesbeth Schindl
As described earlier by our group, topical application of low power laser irradiation seems to have a systemic effect in terms of improving microcirculation in patients suffering from microangiopathic disorders. The aim of the presented study was to prove these clinical findings by measuring the skin temperature as a parameter of microcirculation suing an infrared-thermography-camera system. Patients who attended the Institute for Laser medicine between January and July 1996 and suffered from angiopathy of different origin were examined. The laser system used was a combined IR/HeNe- laser, power output 30mW, irradiation time was varied to keep the IED at a value of 20J/cm2. Irradiation was performed proximally to the affected area, the contralateral side being left untreated, IR-thermography was started after reaching adaption to the room temperature, with pictures of both extremities taken in 10 minute intervals during the irradiation and up to 45 minutes after stopping the irradiation. Results show a rise in temperature over the affected region as well as over the contralateral extremity, with maximal changes of up to + 3.0 degrees C. The improvement of blood flow started 15 min. after the onset of laser irradiation and persisted up to 45 min. after stopping the irradiation. The results obtained are in good accordance with findings of previously performed studies, undertaken with patients with autoimmune-angiopathies such as Buerger's disease. Therefore, we conclude that topical application of low power lasers is able to induce a systemic improvement of blood flow in conditions of disturbed microcirculation.
Backscattering measuring system for optimization of intravenous laser irradiation dose
Tatyana V. Rusina, V. D. Popov, Ivan S. Melnik, et al.
Intravenous laser blood irradiation as an effective method of biostimulation and physiotherapy becomes a more popular procedure. Optimal irradiation conditions for each patient are needed to be established individually. A fiber optics feedback system combined with conventional intravenous laser irradiation system was developed to control of irradiation process. The system consists of He-Ne laser, fiber optics probe and signal analyzer. Intravenous blood irradiation was performed in 7 healthy volunteers and 19 patients with different diseases. Measurements in vivo were related to in vitro blood irradiation which was performed in the same conditions with force-circulated venous blood. Comparison of temporal variations of backscattered light during all irradiation procedures has shown a strong discrepancy on optical properties of blood in patients with various health disorders since second procedure. The best cure effect was achieved when intensity of backscattered light was constant during at least five minutes. As a result, the optical irradiation does was considered to be equal 20 minutes' exposure of 3 mW He-Ne laser light at the end of fourth procedure.
Double-blind study of the efficacy of laser therapy
Ewa Boerner, Halina Podbielska M.D., M. Nesterowicz, et al.
The results of lasertherapy with infrared laser radiation in treatment of patients with locomotory system diseases associated with pain and limited mobility are discussed. The patients were divided into two groups. One group obtained lasertherapy. Average duration of the treatment was two weeks in everyday sessions which were 10 minutes long. The average dose of applied laser radiation was 2J/cm2. The second group underwent also lasertherapy but the laser diode was in non-operating mode. However, both patient as will as the therapeutists did not know that the laser does not operate as usual. The positive result regarding the mobility in 79.4 percent of patients were observed and regarding pain in 90.3 percent for the group treated by operating laser. In the control group the corresponding results were 59.3 percent and 62.5 percent.
Application of low-intensity lasers in rheumatology: the results of four-year observations of 224 patients
Jacek B. Glazewski
A number of reports and scientific publications, especially from recent years. prove that the application of lowintensity laser radiation (0.5up to 50 mW )haspositive both local and general influence in many diseases. In case of rheumatic diseases with inflammatory or degenerative processes taking place in joints, laser irradiaton applied as a supplementary method together with conventional methods is very promising.( 12,3,5,6.13,14.16,27) Detailed information on mechanisms and processes taking place in tissues, cells and cellular structures as well as the influence of low-intensity laser irradiation on biochemical processes was presented in the earlier paper which confirmed the results obtained by other scientists.
Poster Session
Influence of low-power laser radiation on carbohydrate metabolism and insulin-glycemic balance in experimental animals
Jolanta Radelli, Grzegorz Cieslar, Aleksander Sieron, et al.
The aim of the study was to determine the dose-dependent influence of low-power laser radiation on carbohydrate metabolism in 70 male Wistar rats. The animals were primarily divided into 2 groups: B - irradiated group and C - control one in which sham - irradiation was made. The rats from B - group were irradiated daily for 10 minutes with semiconductive laser emitting the radiation of infrared wavelength 904 nm. Within both groups the animals were divided into subgroups (B I - B VII and CI - C VII) in which the dissections were made on 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 14th day of irradiation and on 5th and 8th day after the end of cycle of irradiation respectively. In all subgroups blood samples were collected to determine the glucose and insulin levels. Parts of the liver and pancreas were taken for histological examination in light microscope and in electron microscope. The lowest, statistically significant glycaemia was observed in the subgroup B V. Significant increase of glycaemia and significantly higher insulin concentration was found only in the subgroup B VI. The I/G ratio increased significantly in the subgroup B V. Lower intensity of paS reaction was presented in subgroups B I, B III, B V, B VI and B VII. The increased amount of paS-positive substances was observed in the I and II zone of liver acinus. Electron microscopic studies of hepatocytes showed: numerous glycogen conglomerations in subgroups B I, B II, B VI and B VII, the extension of RER in B II and B III, light vacuoles in B II, Golgi apparatus and biliary canaliculus expansion in B V and structural changes of several mitochondria - slight swelling or discontinuation of their outer membranes, electron microscopic findings in pancreas cells included: lower number of typical granules in beta and alpha cells as well as Golgi apparatus results it was concluded that the influence of low power laser radiation on carbohydrate metabolism in generally insignificant. It is observed only for higher doses of radiation and does not cause persistent negative effects.
Clinical effectiveness of low-power laser radiation and functioning of hemosalivatory barrier in patients with rheumatic diseases
Natalia D. Gladkova, Alexander B. Karachistov, Lia G. Komarova, et al.
We have estimated the clinical effectiveness of several regimes and ways of low power laser therapy (LT) on the basis of a double 'blind', placebo-controlling randomizing comparative test in 454 patients with rheumatic diseases (RD). LT for RD has a well-expressed placebo effect. The level of clinical effect of LT for RD is not so high. We couldn't achieve 'a considerable improvement' in any cases, 'an improvement' was secured in only 18 percent. LT should be viewed as a symptomatic means, with a primary anesthetic and feebly expressed anti-inflammatory effect, which can not influence the course of the rheumatoid process. Only in 15 percent of patients with RD, a sufficient functioning of hemo-salivary barrier was observed, the latter providing a reserve for adaption mechanism, which leads under the influence of stressor agents of medium strength not only to anesthetic, but also to moderately expressed anti- inflammatory effect.
Laser blood irradiation effect on electrophysiological characteristics of acute coronary syndrome patients
Sergei N. Khotiaintsev, E. Doger-Guerrero, L. Glebova, et al.
This paper treats electro-physiological effects of the low- level laser irradiation of blood (LBI). The data presented here are based on the observation of almost 200 patients suffering from the acute disruption of coronary blood circulation, unstable angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Statistically significant changes of the electro-physiological characteristics were observed in the group of 65 patients, treated by the LBI. In particular, the significant 6 percent extension of the effective refractory period was observed. The electrical situation threshold has increased by 20.6 percent. The significant changes of some other important electro-physiological characteristics were within the range of 5-15 percent. In this paper, the data obtained on the LBI effectiveness are compared also with the results obtained on 94 patients who in addition to the standard anti-angina therapy were treated by the autohaemo- transfusion performed simultaneously with the UV-light irradiation of the transfused blood. The results obtained demonstrate the significant positive effect of the low energy LBI. The electrophysiological data obtained have good correlation with observed anti-arrhythmic effect of the LBI. This is proved by the data obtained on the electro- physiological characteristics of the cardiovascular system and by other clinical data on the experimental and control group of patients. In the course of this research the exact effect of the low level LBI was established. LBI led to the pronounced positive changes in electro-physiological characteristics of the cardiovascular system of the patients, it also led to the pronounced anti-arrhythmic effect.
Biological effects of noncoherent and nonpolarized light of GaAs on human erythrocytes
Esperanza Puron Sopena, Antonio M. Fontela Lamelas, Serleides de Roux, et al.
We show that low levels of no coherent and no polarized infrared light induce modifications in human blood cells. An infrared GaAs 6 mW power output light emitting diode irradiate healthy erythrocytes for times from 1 to 30 minutes. We found a threshold time form which light induces changes in normal blood cells, changing its morphology and distribution. Irradiated fresh human blood from 82 healthy patients showed modifications independent of patient's age. This phenomenon may be explained by considering the rotational movement of lipids in both surfaces of lipid bilayer, their magnetic field and interaction with iron hemoglobin.
Comparative estimation of the effectiveness of laser and other methods of stomatological disease treatment
Anatoly A. Kunin, Stanislava V. Erina, Svetlana N. Pankova, et al.
A perspective trend in the perfection of laser methods of stomatological diseases treatment is the application of low intensity laser radiation having a wide range of the therapeutic effect. Thus, laser radiation has various, pathogenetic effect. Patients with carries, pulpits, periodontitis, diseases of parodontium and oral mucous membranes were treated. Traditional examination methods were used, i.e. biochemical, visual pulp examination, immunological and macrohistological ones. The obtained results prove high effectiveness of laser therapy in the treatment of a number of stomatological disease in comparison with traditional methods and can be recommended to be used in practice.
Indications for laser therapy in diverse models of periodontitis
Anatoly A. Kunin, Stanislava V. Erina, Irina A. Sokolova, et al.
Parodontal diseases have an immunological pathogenic mechanism leading to various manifestations and can not be referred to as a common inflammation. The home and foreign research points at active and immunological reaction with the following distraction surrounding tissues of the tooth. Histochemical and biochemical examinations show metabolic disturbances of parodontal tissues. A total sample size of 604 people suffering from average height of chronic generalized parodontitis was examined in the survey. Immunological and histochemical tests were taken before and after a course of laser therapy with the use of helium-neon laser 'YAGODA', an inhibitory and stimulating dosage irradiations and anti-inflammatory dosage irradiations with infrared laser 'UZOR'. We selected a group of patients with the decreased local immunological status on the ground of immunological tests. Histochemical tests shaped the next group with the passive and active forms of parodontitis pathology. The tests data resulted in a method of laser therapy. The investigations confirm that the chronic generalized parodontitis has a shift in tissue immunity of the oral cavity and cell-bound metabolic disturbance of gum epithelium. It is expedient to use the anti-inflammatory dosage irradiations with infrared laser 'UZOR' to correct immunity, and in case of and active process to realize the DNA and RNA synthesis by means of increasing the irradiation with the apparatus 'YAGODA'. The irradiation decreases in case of a passive process.
Diagnosis and indications for low-intensity laser therapy of the pathology of the oral cavity mucosa of patients with hematologic and gastroenteric diseases
Anatoly A. Kunin, E. V. Minakov, A. V. Sutscenko, et al.
In the recent years low intensity laser irradiation is made use of in stomatology with the view of treating numerous diseases of the oral cavity mucosa and parodontium. The oral cavity mucosa lesions caused by the internal organs diseases, especially those of blood and the gastroenteric tract, constitute a particular group. Such diseases are usually manifested by an inflammation, erosions, ulcers, hemorrhages. An abundant microflora of the oral cavity and diminished immunity of the patients contribute to the possibility of septicaemia development. Laser therapy of the oral cavity mucosa lesions according to strictly defined indications promotes rapid healing of ulcers, arresting the oral cavity mucosa inflammation, providing a reduction in bleeding and presents a safe prophylactic means of stomatogenic sepsis.
Complex treatment of trophic affections with vascular patients using monochromatic red light and hyperbaric oxygenation
Zinaida M. Babkina, Mikhail V. Vasilyev, Vyacheslav P. Zakharov, et al.
Monochromatic red light irradiation therapy of trophic skin affections with vascular patients permits to receive positive results with small wounds. A combination of monochromatic red light and hyperbaric oxygenation is most perspective when conducting a complex therapy of trophic wounds not more than 40 mm2 and allows to diminish time of treatment almost two times.
Clinical and morphological indications for laser treatment of patients with precancerous diseases of the oral cavity
Anatoly A. Kunin, E. I. Bykov, Elana E. Podolskaya, et al.
Precancerous diseases of the oral cavity were treated by low-intensity laser irradiation. Laser therapy of the over- mentioned diseases was combined with medicinal treatment. The choice of diagnostic methods were made according to each concrete nosological form. Laser therapy of oral precancer was conducted according to strictly defined indications. The results received during our researches demonstrated high effectiveness of laser irradiation combined with medicinal therapy and its complete safety in the treatment of oral mucosa and lips precancerous diseases.
Influence of irradiation of helium-neon laser on microcirculation blood vessels (Extended Abstract)
Nikolai N. Petrishchev, N. V. Leontjeva, T. A. Leontjeva
Laser radiation has photomodification influence on blood and blood vessels. In our study we estimated the influence of distant laser irradiation of blood vessels.
Influence of the midbrain reticular formation irradiation with luminescent incoherent light on evoked potential of cerebral cortex in cats
Svetlana L. Malinovskaya, Asadulla Abakarov, Victor A. Monich
In acute experiments on cats it is shown, that direct, of- low-intensity incoherent light exposure on midbrain reticular formation, cases brain cortex projection areas functional state changes, which find expression in shifting amplitude of both positive and negative components of cortex evoked potentials on visual stimuli.
Change in functional activity of lymphocyte chromatin activity under the influence of low-power laser radiation
Irine O. Bugaeva, M. Ledvanov, Nina V. Bogomolova
Through skin low-rate IR laser irradiation with the pulse rate of 1500 Hz caused increase of fluorescence of mesenteric lymphnodes lymphocytes in the green area of spectrum 24 hours after the first irradiation. This index reached its maximum on the 7th day of the experiment. Later gradual normalization of lymphocyte fluorescence was noted. Alongside with the increase of chromatic activity we have noted change in lymphocyte percentage, which synthesized DNA and were in the state of mitosis. The maximum of S+G2+M lymphocytes increase was on the 15th day. The study of lymphocyte red fluorescence showed the appearance of cell population in the mesenteric nodes with the increased red fluorescence which testified to activation of cytoplasmatic structures of lysosomal nature.
Biophoton emission in synchronously developing population of early Drosophila embryos
Yu-Ming Zhou, Mae-Wan Ho, John P. Bolton, et al.
Ultraweak biophoton emission has been recorded in synchronously developing populations of early Drosophila embryos. On being stimulated briefly with white light within the first 40 minutes of development, a new kind of luminescence is observed in the form of superdelayed, intense flashes. We assume that the initial light stimulation sets up some kind of coherent interaction inside the system and develop a phenomenological number-phase-angle model to give a general interpretation of the superdelayed radiation patterns.
Low-power coherent and noncoherent light in clinical practice
Ciprian Antipa, Mihail-Lucian Pascu, Viorica Stanciulescu, et al.
In order to find out the comparative clinical effects of coherent and noncoherent low power light, we divided 74 patients with sciatics in three groups, treated with the same energy dose, as follows: A group: with IR continuous diode laser; B group: with noncoherent IR diode; C group: with placebo laser. The positive results were 66.66 percent for A group, 52.00 percent for B group and 36.36 percent for C group. We conclude, after these preliminary results, that coherent low power light has superior clinical efficacy versus noncoherent light and placebo laser, when used the same energy dose.