Proceedings Volume 2790

Fifth Conference on Charge-Coupled Devices and CCD Systems

Vladimir A. Karasev, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Victor A. Shilin
Proceedings Volume 2790

Fifth Conference on Charge-Coupled Devices and CCD Systems

Vladimir A. Karasev, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Victor A. Shilin
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Volume Details

Date Published: 8 April 1996
Contents: 4 Sessions, 22 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: Fifth Conference on Charge-Coupled Devices and CCD Systems 1995
Volume Number: 2790

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Physics and Modeling
  • Design and Technology
  • TV Systems
  • Measuring and Technical Vision Systems
Physics and Modeling
CCD simulation system
Victor A. Shilin, A. A. Pugachev
A software for simulation of CCD solid-state imagers has been designed. The software consist of simulators for imager process modeling, two and one dimensional charge and potential distribution modeling and simulators for modeling of main characteristics such as spectral response (SR), spectral sensitivity (SS), full noises (FN), and modulation transfer function (MTF). These characteristics may be so calculated jointly for optical blocks (lens system) and solid-state imager which may be based on charge-coupled devices, photodiodes, and photoresistors. Some methods and algorithms are examined for creating of photoelectric, SR, SS, FN and MTF simulators.
Hybrid multi-element cooled CCD-based photodetector with increased quantum efficiency for the long-wave infrared range
Vladimir V. Chernokozhin, Yuri I. Zavadskii, Irina A. Pelezneva, et al.
It is shown that it is not correct to consider that high quantum efficiency in extrinsic multielement photodetectors can be reached only in the so-called transverse design of a photosensitive element (PSE), which is complex and not technological. A linear hybrid photodetector for a spectral range of 8 - 14 micrometers has been made. A photosensitive part of the photodetector has PSE of a longitudinal design and is made on the Ga-doped silicon using planar technology. The PSE design quantum efficiency can reach 0.7 (without an antireflection coating). The reading of information is performed by one or two CCD multiplexers. The threshold sensitivity obtained experimentally corresponds to the quantum efficiency of 0.25 and it indicates the BLIP regime was not realized in this case.
Comparative analysis of information capacity for space surveillance systems in 3- to 5- and 8- to 14-um spectral ranges
Yuri I. Zavadskii, Vladimir V. Chernokozhin, Yuri A. Kuznetsov
The information capacities of infrared optoelectronic systems are not identical in the middlewave (3 - 5 micrometers ) and longwave (8 - 14 micrometers ) ranges of spectrum. The analysis of the so-called quality factor, rendering the preference to range 8 - 14 micrometers at underlaying surface temperature below 40, does not take into consideration the system spatial resolution, which depends upon a fundamental factor--the wavelength, and therefore can not serve as a decisive argument in choosing a photodetector and a spectral range for an IR surveillance system. The paper is concerned with informational characteristics of a specific system depending upon a spectral range. It is shown that, despite more low resolution of optical system, the spectral range 8 - 14 micrometers nevertheless, in a basic interval of informational frequencies (nearly up to Nyquist frequency) has the advantage in comparison with the range 3 - 5 micrometers as on temperature, as on spatial resolution.
Novel CCD structures of high sensitivity
Evgeni V. Kostyukov, Andre A. Pugachev, Victor A. Shilin, et al.
A new class of charge-coupled devices called junction virtual phase (JVP) CCD's is described. JVP CCDs have very high photosensitivity because their pixels are designed without any metal or polysilicon gates. A new principle of buried channel modulation through a narrow depleted layer is used. This principle is realized in a few JVP structures. Two dimensional simulation of these structures are presented.
Optimization of PhCCD structure for star sensor
Alexandre I. Baklanov, Anatoli V. El'tsov, Vjacheslav V. Kolotkov, et al.
Star sensor have special performance which allows to monitor point images for low illumination levels. For the CCD sensor, this means that all of the charge generated by image photons incident on a given pixel should be collected within that pixel. Two main physical processes are determined the expected charge-collection efficiency: 3D diffusion of generated electrons and charge-transfer inefficiency. The ability of perception of low illumination stars depends on the star temperature (this temperature influences the spectral distribution of photons), quantum efficiency, and noises of the imager.
Quantum well infrared photodetector array grown by MOCVD using GAs/AlGaAS MQW
Grachik H. Avetisyan, Vladimir B. Kulikov, Vitalij P. Kotov, et al.
Photodetector array fabrication using GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells, grown by MOCVD is discussed. The array uses X-Y-addressing and is multiplexed by a CCD under through CMOS switches. It has 64 X 64 elements, operates in 8 - 12 mkm spectral interval and provides D* equals 1,5.1010 W-1 cm Hz1/2 at 75 K.
Active modes of operation of low-background extrinsic IR detectors
Boris I. Fouks
A very long photoresponse time and the other drawbacks of extrinsic photoconductors used as low-background IR detectors are caused by the trap memory being uncontrolled at the operation under a constant voltage. A proper pulsed voltage allows to control the memory. Below the principles of the control are set forth, and the brief theory of one of the operation modes with the controlled trap memory is given. This serves as the basis for further analysis of several detectors operated under such modes and for the notions applied to a drastic improvement of the performance of space IR detectors.
Design and Technology
Multispectral CCD for space engineering
Lyudmila M. Vasilevskaya, Alexander I. Khatountsev, Yuri A. Kuznetsov
Construction, photoelectronical parameters and characteristics of multispectral four-channel linear photosensitive charge-coupled device and application in photoreception modules are described. The special attention was paid to modulation transfer function in ranges 500 - 600 nm, 600 - 700 nm, 500 - 900 nm, 800 - 900 nm.
Specialized CCD for the time delay and integration (TDI) regime with variable vector of image movement velocities
Alexandre I. Baklanov, Sergei V. Larionov, Alexander S. Scrilev
In this paper, a design of two specialized TDI-CCD arrays, providing a reception of a moving image in specific conditions of observation at presence in the array photosensitive-field limits of a distribution of the image movement velocities on a value or on a direction, has considered. The CCD contrast-frequency characteristic analysis has been carried out. It is shown, that the CCD may be used also and for definition of an image movement velocity.
Design and fabrication technology of thinned backside-excited CCD imagers and the family of intensified electron-bombarded CCD image tubes
Ilia Nikolaevic Dalinenko, Alexandre Victorovic Malyarov, Grigory I. Vishnevsky, et al.
This paper sums up the results of more than 10 years experience in design and manufacturing of thinned backside illuminated CCDs of different types. Based upon the EB-CCDs created, the family of intensified electron-bombarded CCD image tubes has been designed, fabricated and tested. This family includes: the single-stage Gen I-type EB-CCD devices with the 532*580 and 780*580 pixels CCDs; the `hybrid' (the EB-CCD tube plus Gen I image intensifier) devices; and the EB-CCD tubes with the 40 mm photocathode and image demagnification factor 3:1. The results of tests of these devices are presented and discussed. Besides, the near future projects concerning EB-CCD tubes with the 80 mm photocathode and with image demagnification factor 5:1, and EB-CCD tubes with solar blind photocathodes for the UV and EUV applications are briefly described.
Virtual phase CCD imagers for scientific applications
Vladimir G. Kossov, Leonid Yu. Lazovsky, A. F. Iblyaminova, et al.
A family of virtual phase (VP) CCD array image sensors for various scientific applications was designed, fabricated and tested. All of them share the common concept of `2.5-phase' photosensitive cell combining known benefits of `1.5-phase' VP CCDs with extended functionality (bi-directional charge transfer and inherent antiblooming) and less demanding fabrication process. Organization and main photoelectric parameters of sensors are presented.
Measurement of functional parameters for sensors of velocity and direction of a moving image
Alexander I. Khatountsev, Nathan S. Mostovljansky, Victor N. Kroutilin, et al.
The development of velocity and direction CCD sensors for a moving image is reported on. Their performance is discussed. Examples of output signals in typical experimental conditions are given.
Optical PhCCD unit with velocity compensation
Alexandre I. Baklanov, V. V. Zhevako, Vladimir I. Karasev, et al.
At present photosensitive CCD-array image converters operating in a Time Delay and Integration (TDI) mode are widely used for observation of moving objects. The TDI function makes it possible to improve the sensitivity of imaging devices but at the same time imposes a number of specific constraints on the accuracy of the photodetector orientation relative to the direction of an image velocity vector. Moreover, it requires the image movement o be synchronous with the movement of charge packets generated in the PhCCD photozone. The situation becomes even more complicated if the image converter photozone is not a single photodetector, but consists of photodetectors with a linear (end-to-end) or a staggered arrangement. The linear arrangement is used when an image fragment at the PhCCD photozones boundary can be missed. The staggered arrangement helps avoid such fallouts by partial overlapping of two adjacent photozones, but in this case there is a problem of `stitching' the image obtained from neighboring PhCCD rows physically separated in the photozone plane. In image converters with long photozones, no matter what type of arrangement is taken: the value and direction of the moving image velocity often happen to be different in different photozone areas. Therefore, different velocity and direction of charge transfer within the PhCCD are to be set for these areas to avoid image blurring.
Simple model for CCD yield
Arkadi N. Markov
A simple equation for CCD yield depending on the technological environment condition is derived. An approach demonstrated can be generalized to analyze the yield relating problems for many kinds of ICs.
TV Systems
X-ray TV camera using a CCD array
Andrew A. Krasnjuk, Vladimir J. Stenin
An experimental soft x-ray television camera, employing a 2D charge-coupled device array, has been built. This TV camera was designed for x-ray computer vision in medicine. The K1200UM7 silicon CCD array was used from PULSAR State Institute without the usual quartz window.
Sensitivity of an optoelectronic CCD camera for astronomy
Alexandre I. Baklanov, Victor I. Bogachev, Anatoly V. Yeltsov, et al.
An optoelectronic CCD camera for astronomy with a digital 10-bit output is described. A very high power objective is incorporated into the camera. The camera sensitivity is analyzed for radiation from stars of various spectra. The output signal is shown to be strongly dependent on a light source spectrum. Possible application are described.
Measuring and Technical Vision Systems
Single-DSP-architecture low-cost digital CCD system
V. L. Ryvkind, E. I. Bochkaryova, Leonid Yu. Lazovsky, et al.
A compact slow scan CCD-based digital system is described. The system is primarily intended to pick up low light level images (e.g. in biology, medicine, ecology monitoring, astronomy, spectrophotometry and so on). The system architecture is based on digital signal processor, reprogrammable Flex Gate Array chip and built-in video buffer (up to 16 Mbyte). The system allows great flexibility of CCD control, features on-site signal processing, supports various interfaces to a host computer and can be easily reprogrammed for any specific task.
Medical diagnostic system based on image receivers of various spectral ranges
Olga G. Siniakova, Airat I. Ishmuhametov
The medical diagnostics is one of the most important spheres of application of measuring and diagnostic systems based on introscopy methods. The modern medical introscopy diagnostics has in its arsenal many various devices using x-ray radiation with energy from 10 to 100 keV (roentgenological diagnostics, x-ray computer tomography), gamma radiation of radionuclides with energy 10 - 300 keV (radionuclide diagnostics), infrared radiation of human body (thermovision), optical radiation range (endoscopic diagnostics). The application of high- frequency sound fluctuations (ultrasonography) is also effective for tasks of medical diagnostics. The microwave sources based on nuclear magnetic resonance (magnetic resonance imaging) are used for reception the images of internal structures of human body. The prompt development of modern medical introscopy diagnostics observable in last years is connected first of all with wide application of computer facilities for receiving, processing, restoration and analysis of images. It gives the additional opportunity to increase the reliability, accuracy, sensitivity and timeliness of diagnostic decisions. The images received both by scintillation gamma camera and by specialized x-ray or gamma radiation video camera based on charge- coupled devices can be used for evaluation of structural and functional state of vital organs and systems. One of the main tasks at development of medical diagnostic systems is the reduction of optical image to form that maximally facilitates its analysis to the doctor. The article considers the diagnostic system oriented on receiving, processing and evaluating data of radionuclide imaging studies.
Multispectral optoelectronic modules for space environmental monitoring systems
Olga P. Kurova, Sergei V. Larionov, Lyudmila M. Vasilevskaya, et al.
Two types of multispectral optoelectronic modules for space-based monitoring systems are designed. Both of them contain multichannel linear CCD imager and interference filters for selecting several spectral bands. One of them provides imaging in four spectral bands at one time, and the other--in six bands.
Medical x-ray-sensitive array based on CCD
Valeri G. Gnedenko, Andrey A. Krasnjuk, Sergei V. Larionov, et al.
The achievements of CCD technology allow to design X-ray sensitive solid-state images for various medicine applications. The first medical systems have been created for using in dental practice and diagnosis. This radiovisiographic method allows to reduce X-ray exposure by 80%, except any films and provide paralleled diagnosis capacities which revolutionize every day practice. In the future a mosaic scanner with CCD chips will be used for detecting breast cancer.
Analysis of CCD applications in automatic railway systems
Natalja M. Potapova
Solid-state photonic systems based on CCD imagers are used in home, industrial, medicine, and scientific instrumentations. The famous performance of CCD's in high sensitivity, size, weight, power consumption, wide spectral wave-length range, and high resolution allow to apply their for measuring some parameters and reading an image information of moving transport objects. In the area of railway transport, it's very important to read car numbers during its motion with velocity to 160 kph. Our investigations have shown that a photonic system including TDI CCD (time-delay and integration CCD) and the special TDI CCD velocitimetric sensor may be used for reading and identification of car numbers. This system may be also useful for measuring car parameters on classification humps. Unlike usual radiolocation sensors which today are used in classification humps the proposal system is passive and it may be stood over railway hump.
Optoelectronic camera for remote sensing of the earth's surface (OC-RSES)
Alexandre I. Baklanov, Sergey G. Danilov, Alexander N. Knyazev, et al.
The problems of the remote monitoring of the Earth surface, rational use of natural resources, observation of natural phenomena and ecological catastrophes' bring forward the issue of further upgrading and improvement of multispectral image devices. The current demand for multispectral data to be used in research and application fields is so great that existing systems often fail to provide adequate support This is primarily true for the quality and contents of image data. Nowadays accurate radiometric (absolute and relative) calibration, high - precision geometric survey and registration images of different spectral band , as well as high system efficiency are Critical requirements for any application. The optoelectromc OC-RSES-02 camera, which is currently under development,is the further development ofthe MultiSpectral Optoelectrothc Camera'. Both cameras use a multichannel single-chip CCD and operate in the visible, but the OC-RSES-02 is quite a new photodetector because it includes six identical CCD linear 1024 pixels arrays of 13x13 im photodiodes size. Generally, the increase of the focal length of the camera objective to 300 mm improves the resolution, though decreases the field ofvision. Another innovation that considerably improves the OC-RSES-02 performance as well as the value of the information is the availability of an 1.55-1.75 m IR chanel. The OC-RSES-02 camera can be installed on a spacecraft or aircraft. The information obtained can be recorded into an onboard computer and then processed either at ground stations or in a real-time mode on board an aircraft. The data obtained in all spectral bands can be used for thematic mapping of the Earth surface, studying dynamic surface phenomena etc.