Proceedings Volume 1677

Ultrafast Lasers Probe Phenomena in Semiconductors and Superconductors

Proceedings Volume 1677

Ultrafast Lasers Probe Phenomena in Semiconductors and Superconductors

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Volume Details

Date Published: 21 October 1992
Contents: 8 Sessions, 29 Papers, 0 Presentations
Conference: Semiconductors '92 1992
Volume Number: 1677

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Hot Carriers I
  • Phonon Kinetics
  • Intervalley Scattering
  • Superconductors
  • Hot Carriers II
  • Nonlinearities
  • Excitons
  • Quantum Wells
  • Hot Carriers II
  • Phonon Kinetics
Hot Carriers I
Many-body semiclassical approximation for semiconductor plasmas
Alfred M. Kriman, Ravindra P. Joshi, David K. Ferry
Realistic simulations of semiconductor plasmas require detailed, many-species descriptions of the phonon and electronic systems. Limited numerical power then usually requires simplifying approximations. One approximation is the use of a screened Coulomb interaction. When an accurate screening function is not available, or when a better electrostatics treatment is needed, one can perform ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) simulations that use a phase-space- trajectories or 'molecular dynamics' (MD) evolution of the electronic ensemble. In these EMC/MD simulations, Coulomb scattering events are treated continuously in the MD evolution of electron trajectories rather than by instantaneous scattering in EMC. Dynamic scattering effects are then included accurately by the explicit correlated motion of the electron ensemble. The electron trajectories simulated by MD have until recently been completely classical. We describe extensions of EMC/MD into the semiclassical regime, thus incorporating quantum effects such as position-momentum uncertainty. The method takes account of the Fermi statistics of the many-electron ensemble, yielding spin-dependent exchange contributions to the forces and effective mass. We describe effects of these corrections on the velocity autocorrelation function and on thermalization of satellite-valley electrons.
Ultrafast recombination in H+-bombarded InP and GaAs: consequences for the carrier distribution functions
Karl Franz Lamprecht, Simon Juen, Leopold Palmetshofer, et al.
We studied the lifetimes and the luminescence spectra of photoexcited carriers in H+ bombarded InP and GaAs for different damage doses by means of femtosecond luminescence spectroscopy. For InP the lifetime decreases down to 95 fs for the highest dose, whereas for GaAs no shorter lifetime than 650 fs could be observed. With decreasing lifetime we observe an increase of the high energy tail of the time-integrated luminescence spectrum which is even inverted for the 95 fs InP sample.
Polarization effects in hot-electron luminescence from GaAs
Wolfgang K. P. Hackenberg, H. P. Hughes, Gerhard Fasol, et al.
Hot electron luminescence spectroscopy of GaAs shows polarization dependent lineshape variations of 0.5 approximately 1.0 meV. It is shown how a lineshape model which includes a k.p calculation of the band structure, optical transition matrix elements in the dipole model, and lifetime broadening, is able to explain these polarization effects. For linearly polarized excitation, the observation arises from the optical alignment of the hot electron momenta, while for circularly polarized excitation the effect is caused by transitions between specific electronic spin states identifiable by a selection rule.
Femtosecond dynamics of hot carriers in GaAs
Philippe M. Fauchet, Ting Gong
The pump-probe technique is used to perform a series of measurements on intrinsic GaAs samples at room temperature with a temporal resolution of 75 - 100 fs. Changes of both absorption coefficient and refractive index are measured over a wide spectral region (550 - 950 nm) for various carrier densities (<1016 to 1019 cm-3) injected at 2 eV. These measurements provide insight on the fundamental properties of nonequilibrium carriers, including electron-electron scattering, electron-hole scattering, electron-phonon scattering, hole-phonon scattering, band-gap renormalization, plasma screening of Coulomb interactions, and free-carrier absorption.
Phonon Kinetics
Plasma-phonon interactions
Walter E. Bron, Gregory O. Smith, Tibor Juhasz
We have previously reported on the interaction of a one-component (electron) plasma with optical phonons. We now report on more recent results on the interaction of a two-component (electron-hole) plasma with coherent optical phonons. The plasma scattering rate appears to be in roughly the same in the two cases.
Hot-phonon generation by split-off hole band electrons in AlxGa1-xAs alloys investigated by picosecond Raman scattering
John M. Jacob, D. S. Kim, Jin Fu Zhou, et al.
The initial generation of hot LO phonons by the relaxation of hot carriers in GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs alloy semiconductors is studied. Within the initial 2 ps of photoexcitation, only those electrons originating from the split-off hole bands are found to generate a significant number of (Gamma) -valley hot phonons when photon energies of 2.33 eV are used. A picosecond Raman scattering technique is used to determine the hot phonon occupation number in a series of MBE grown AlxGa1-xAs samples with 0 17 cm-3. A model based upon the instantaneous thermalization of hot electrons photoexcited from the split-off hole bands is used to fit our data. We have obtained very good agreement between experiment and theory. This work provides a clear understanding to the relaxation of (Gamma) valley hot electrons by the generation of hot phonons on subpicosecond and picosecond time scales, which has long standing implications to previous time resolved Raman experiments.
Intervalley Scattering
Ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of femtosecond photoexcitation in AlGaAs
Selim E. Guencer, David K. Ferry
Femtosecond photoexcitation experiments have been used by many groups to investigate ultrafast scattering processes in semiconductors. Information on intervalley scattering rates can readily be deduced by monitoring valley populations in real time, and particularly, a number of groups have made measurements for (Gamma) -L and (Gamma) -X intervalley scattering in GaAs. However, due to the direct gap, the L-X scattering in GaAs can not be directly monitored. Recently, experiments to monitor the X valley population in indirect AlGaAs have been performed, and utilized to set up an upper bound for the L-X scattering lifetime. We have used an ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) technique to calculate the evolution of valley populations in indirect AlGaAs illuminated by a femtosecond pulse laser. The time evolution of electron populations in the (Gamma) , L and X valleys is studied by varying the intervalley coupling constants. The L-X intervalley deformation potential is found to be DXL equals 1.5 +/- 0.5 X 108 eV/cm.
Alloy versus phonon contributions to intervalley scattering in Al1-xGaxAs
Stefan Zollner, Christoph H. Grein, Manuel Cardona
We have previously calculated intervalley scattering (IVS) times for GaAs, resulting in good agreement with various experiments, although some details are still under discussion. In this paper, we consider a semiconductor alloy like Al1-xGaxAs, where scattering due to disorder competes with phonon-assisted intervalley scattering. We have calculated the scattering times from the (Gamma) point in indirect Al1-xGaxAs (x > 0.4) to the satellite valleys at L and X using a second-order perturbational approach. Other methods have also been investigated. We find that disorder-induced scattering is about twice as effective as phonon-assisted scattering, even at room temperature. We also calculate the lifetime broadenings caused by these processes and compare them to experimental broadenings of the E0 gap obtained by resonant Raman scattering and spectroscopic ellipsometry. IVS times in InP from the (Gamma) valley to side valleys around L and X are given as a function of energy at 0 and 300 K as well as the return times from the L and X points to the (Gamma) valley from 0 to 400 K. Our results suggest that the strength of the electron-phonon interaction in InP is similar to that in GaAs. Therefore, the IVS times in InP can also be obtained from those of GaAs by a simple extrapolation allowing for the different position of the satellite valleys. Conclusions about IVS times in Al1-xGaxAs, however, cannot be drawn from data on GaAs, because most IVS in Al1-xGaxAs is due to alloy scattering, which does not occur in GaAs.
Effect of Al mole fraction on decay profile of photoinduced IR absorption and the determination of the critical value of xc for AlxGa1-xAs
Wubao B. Wang, Robert R. Alfano, David M. Szmyd, et al.
The hot carrier dynamics in the satellite X valley in AlxGa1-xAs was measured by femtosecond pump-probe infrared absorption spectroscopy. The dynamics of the X valley electrons for samples with x = 0.439. The critical value of xc corresponding to the direct-to-indirect band gap transition for AlxGa1-xAs was determined to be 0.412 +/- 0.006.
Fast nonbolometric photoresponse of YBa2Cu3O7-delta films
Mark Johnson
Current biased films of YBa2Cu3O7-(delta ) are illuminated by short (300 fsec) pulses of variable fluence laser light. Transient voltages are measured over the temperature range 10 K < T < 250 K. Near Tc a bolometric response is observed, but below Tc signals are observed, with characteristic decay times of the order of hundreds of psec, that cannot be explained by a bolometric mechanism. Furthermore, a fast precursor, with full width of tens of ps, is observed when the bias current approaches the critical current. These signals are characterized and discussed.
Ultrafast optical response of YBCO superconductors
Lei Shi, G. L. Huang, Chris Lehane, et al.
Picosecond voltage pulses were generated in YBCO microstriplines by irradiation with a picosecond laser. An autocorrelation method was proposed and applied to measure the temporal decay of these ultrafast voltage pulses. It was also ascertained that these pulses were generated in the superconducting state. Using a 40 ps laser, voltage pulses with fast components < 40 ps were obtained. This fast decay was dependent on the bias current. There were also significant thermal components in these pulses. Methods of generating even shorter pulses are discussed.
Electron phonon relaxation dynamics of superconducting niobium as a function of temperature
Margarita Mihailidi, Qirong Xing, Kwong Mow Yoo, et al.
The temperature dependence of the electron-phonon relaxation and of the electron-phonon coupling constant for a metal (Nb) has been determined for temperatures ranging from room temperature (292 K) to below superconducting temperatures (4.5 K). The measured rise time of the transmittance change decreases from 370 fs at 292 K to 205 fs at 4.5 K. The electron- phonon coupling constant decreases from 20 X 1017 at 292 K to 0.5 X 1017 W m-3s-1 at 4.5 K. The cooling of the lattice after being heated by the pump pulse shows an increase in the cooling speed when the sample is below superconducting temperature. This faster decay may be attributed to the cooling due to formation of Cooper pairs.
Hot Carriers II
Monte Carlo simulation of the coupled coherent and incoherent dynamics in photoexcited semiconductors
F. Rossi, Tilmann Kuhn
The ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited carriers in a semiconductor is investigated by means of a Monte Carlo approach. In addition to a 'conventional' Monte Carlo simulation, the coherence of the external light field and the resulting coherence in the carrier system is fully taken into account. This allows us to treat the correct time-dependence of the generation process showing a time-dependent line-width associated with a recombination from states off- resonance due to stimulated emission. The subsequent dephasing of the carriers due to scattering processes is analyzed. In addition, the simulation contains the carrier-carrier interaction in Hartree-Fock approximation giving rise to a band-gap renormalization and excitonic effects which cannot be treated in a conventional Monte Carlo simulation.
Reduction of the threshold current in quantum-well lasers by optimization of the carrier capture efficiency
Paul W. M. Blom, Pieter J. van Hall, Jos E. M. Haverkort, et al.
We have investigated the carrier capture mechanism in quantum well lasers and its relevance for device characteristics. It is demonstrated that the dependence of the threshold current on the structure parameters of the layers in the active region is highly correlated with the electron capture efficiency. From our calculations it appears that not only the LO-phonon induced capture process but also the carrier-carrier scattering induced capture process oscillate as a function of quantum well width. The predicted structure parameters for an optimum capture efficiency are equivalent for these scattering processes, because in both capture mechanisms these oscillations arise from oscillations in the wave function overlap. The carrier-carrier scattering starts to dominate the capture process for carrier densities larger than 1.1011 cm-2 in the quantum well. As a result an efficient capture process enhances the cooling of the carriers after injection, giving rise to the reduction of the carrier temperature and thus to a low threshold current. We find that a large capture efficiency improves the modulation response of a quantum well laser due to a smaller amount of carrier accumulation in the barrier. By maximizing the carrier capture efficiency in laser structures we for the first time are able to predict the structure parameters of the layers in the active region for an optimum laser performance.
Femtosecond electron relaxation in InGaAs lattice matched to InP
David Cohen, Clifford R. Pollock
Carrier energy relaxation times have been measured in In0.53Ga0.47As grown by MBE on InP. Layer thicknesses from 0.5 to 3 microns have been studied. An NaCl color center laser using additive pulse modelocking supplied 150 femtosecond pulses with photon energies between 780 and 806 meV. These were used for time resolved optical saturation measurements near the 750 meV material bandgap. Carrier densities between 0.4 X 1018 and 5.7 X 1018 were achieved. Lifetimes of about 150 femtoseconds are reported. These are observed to decrease with increasing carrier density and with decreasing photon energy.
Ultrafast internal thermalization of photoexcited carriers in polar semiconductors
Lucio Rota, Paolo Lugli, Thomas Elsaesser, et al.
We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the ultrafast internal thermalization of high energy carriers created by laser excitation. Luminescence up-conversion is used to monitor the spectral and temporal evolution of the photoexcited carrier distributions with a time resolution of about 100 fs. A Monte Carlo simulation joined with a molecular dynamics approach is then used to interpret the experimental results. We show that the coulomb interaction among carriers is responsible for the initial ultrafast thermalization. The simulation allow us to distinguish between binary carrier-carrier collisions and plasmon losses and reconcile the results obtained with time resolved vs. c.w. hot (e, angstroms) luminescence.
Nondegenerate two-photon absorption in CdS
Gary R. Allan, Edesly J. Canto-Said, Eric C. Fox, et al.
A femtosecond continuum, with a bandwidth of 90 nm, has been used in a pump-probe geometry to investigate nondegenerate two-photon absorption (2 PA) from 660 nm to 570 nm, with pump wavelength (lambda) equals 620 nm, in hexagonal CdS at 300 K. A dependence upon probe wavelength and relative beam polarization is observed. The polarization anisotropy has allowed us to measure the relative magnitudes of particular (chi) (3) tensor elements. The nondegenerate 2 PA coefficient increases by a factor of about two from 660 nm to 570 nm. The anisotropy and dispersion are discussed in terms of a two-parabolic-band model.
Ultrafast thermal nonlinearities in amorphous silicon
Philippe M. Fauchet, Daniele Hulin, A. Mourchid, et al.
We report the observation in a-Si:H of a large thermal nonlinearity with a picosecond response time. The spectral dependence of the refractive and absorptive parts of this unusually fast thermal nonlinearity reveals that it arises from a picosecond nonradiative recombination of electrons and holes across the band gap. The optical and electronic processes that make this thermal nonlinearity possible and observable are discussed.
Femtosecond time-resolved refractive index changes in CdSSe
Eric C. Fox, Edesly J. Canto-Said, Henry M. van Driel
Light deflection and diffraction scattering techniques have been used in pump-probe geometries to measure the temporal and irradiance dependences of refractive index changes induced by intense 120 fsec (lambda) equals 620 nm pulses in 100 micrometers thick crystals of bulk CdS and CdS0.75Se0.25 at 295 K. Instantaneous and long lived negative refractive index changes are observed. The instantaneous changes are attributed to optical Stark and two- photon resonance effects while the long lived changes are attributed to free carrier bandfilling effects. The irradiance dependences of the different contributions are discussed in terms of a model in which attenuation is dominated by two-photon absorption. The rise and decay times associated with the bandfilling nonlinearity have allowed us to identify a carrier cooling time of 2 psec, and a carrier lifetime which can be as short as 6 psec for pump irradiances in excess of 300 GW/cm2. Possible mechanisms for the carrier recombination are discussed.
Hot photoexcited electrons and exciton kinetics in GaAs
Jaak Aaviksoo, I. Reimand, Victor V. Rossin, et al.
Exciton-polariton photoluminescence kinetics under short-pulse excitation in pure epitaxial GaAs has been investigated. The observed delayed onset of the polariton luminescence is attributed to the energy relaxation of polaritons and photoexcited electrons. The electron energy relaxation is controlled by inelastic impurity scattering. In an ultrapure sample (ND approximately 1012 cm-3) the maximum of luminescence is reached after a considerable delay of 4 ns. At high repetition rate the next excitation pulse causes a fast quenching of polariton luminescence in the vicinity of exciton resonance due to heating of excitons by photoexcited hot electrons. A model of exciton luminescence kinetics involving exciton-electron interaction has been proposed.
Coherent oscillation of a photoexcited exciton wave packet in double quantum wells
Jihad M. Mohaidat, Kai Shum, Robert R. Alfano
Excitonic effects on coherent oscillations of a photoexcited electron wave packet in a double quantum well structure was studied using the time dependent Schrodinger equation. The oscillation period of the electron wave packet is found to increase due to the electron-hole Coulomb interaction.
Exciton dynamics in 121A GaAs and GaAsP QWs having different valence band structures arising from built-in biaxial stress
Yoshihiro Takiguchi, Kai Shum, Robert R. Alfano, et al.
Exciton dynamics in various 121 angstroms single quantum wells (QWs): a AlGaAs/GaAs QW and two AlGaAs/GaAsP QWs, under different built-in biaxial tension, has been investigated using time resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy at 5 K. Heavy-hole (hh) and light-hole (lh) exciton formation times from free electron-hole pair, hh (lh) exciton to lh (hh) exciton inter-subband relaxation times, exciton localization times to interface islands, and localized exciton annihilation decay times in the strained and non-strained QWs have been determined by fitting the PL time profiles at the lowest emission energy with an analytical solution for the localized exciton population profile obtained by solving six level rate equations.
Spin relaxation dynamics of excitons and free carriers in quasi-two-dimensional GaAlAs/GaAs structures
Theodore C. Damen, Luis Vina, Karl Leo, et al.
We present the results of a comprehensive investigation of spin-relaxation processes of electrons, holes and excitons in quantum wells using subpicosecond spectroscopy of luminescence polarization. Spin relaxation rates of electrons and holes are measured directly in modulation-doped quantum wells and give a good understanding of spin-relaxation processes of electrons and holes. We show that spin-relaxation dynamics of excitons, on the other hand, is quite complicated and is strongly influenced by their formation dynamics, many-body effects and localization dynamics. Although we have made good progress towards understanding exciton spin relaxation processes, some other outstanding issues will require further attention. We compare our results to those in bulk GaAs, and those in quantum wells obtained by other techniques.
Quantum Wells
Tunneling between quantum wells
Albert P. Heberle, Wolfgang W. Ruehle, Klaus Koehler
Tunneling transfer in various GaAs/Al0.35Ga0.65As asymmetric double quantum well structure is studied by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements in the pico- and femtosecond regime. A large variety of electron and hole resonances is detected when electric fields of both signs are externally applied. The ground state resonance shifts, when the electrons tunnel in the reverse direction, revealing the importance of excitonic effects. Longitudinal optical phonon assisted tunneling plays a minor role for narrow quantum wells in comparison to impurity or interface roughness assisted transfer. Resonant electron tunneling times depend exponentially on the square root of integrated tunneling barrier height and are an order of magnitude faster than resonant hole tunneling times. The n equals 2 to n equals 1 electronic intersubband scattering time in a 10 nm quantum well is determined to be 550 fs measuring the transfer time through a thin barrier.
Time-resolved optical studies of high-field electron transport in a GaAs quantum-well structure
Theodore B. Norris, Weijian Sha, William J. Schaff
We have used femtosecond optical spectroscopy to probe high-field transient parallel transport in quantum wells from the ballistic to the quasi-equilibrium regime, by studying both the carrier and electric field dynamics.
Electron energy relaxation dynamics in GaAs quantum wells grown on Si: cool-hole effect
Kai Shum, Yoshihiro Takiguchi, Jihad M. Mohaidat, et al.
Cool hole effect on hot electron energy relaxation dynamics in GaAs quantum wells grown on Si was investigated using photoreflectance and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopies. It was demonstrated that for the quantum wells in which there is a two- dimensional light (heavy) mass hole gas the electron energy relaxation is dominated by electron-hole (electron-longitudinal optical phonon) energy exchange.
Hot-carrier relaxation in quantum well and bulk GaAs at high carrier densities: femtoseconds to nanoseconds
Wayne S. Pelouch, Randy J. Ellingson, Peter E. Powers, et al.
An investigation of hot carrier relaxation in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum wells and bulk GaAs in the high carrier density limit is presented. Two techniques have been employed: luminescence upconversion with < 80 fs temporal resolution has been used to cover the range from 100 fs to 100 ps, and time-correlated single-photon counting to cover the range from 100 ps to 2 ns. Electron temperatures as a function of time were determined from the slope of the high energy tail of the time-resolved photoluminescence spectra. Our results show that hot electron cooling rates in the quantum wells begin to become significantly slower than that in the bulk when the photogenerated carrier density is above a critical value of approximately 2 X 1018 cm-3; the difference in cooling rates increases rapidly with increasing carrier density. The time constant characterizing the power loss of hot carriers is also determined and discussed. A comparison is made with previous publications to resolve the confusion concerning the difference in cooling rates between quasi-2D and 3D systems.
Hot Carriers II
Investigation of the role of free-carrier screening during relaxation of carriers excited by femtosecond optical pulses
James E. Bair, J. Peter Krusius
The role of free carrier screening, in the ultrafast relaxation of optically excited carriers, is reassessed using the ensemble Monte Carlo technique. The conventional static screening approximation is compared to a new dynamic screening model. Evolution of the nonequilibrium dynamic dielectric function and its consequences for the carrier scattering are examined. It is shown that dynamic screening results in significant enhancement of both the carrier-carrier and polar optic phonon scattering rates. Relaxation times for the dynamic screening model are found to be dramatically shorter than those for the static screening model. Methods of experimentally differentiating between the two models are proposed.
Phonon Kinetics
Phonons in quantum wires
Claudia Bungaro, Paolo Lugli, F. Rossi, et al.
We present a detailed study of phonons in rectangular quantum wires within the dielectric continuum model and within a fully microscopic approach. From the latter, we calculate the phonon dispersions and the potentials associated to the individual modes. The classification of such modes is much more complex than in the corresponding two dimensional case, owing to the intrinsic coupling of confined and interface modes associated to both directions perpendicular to the wire. This indicates a failure of the current implementations of the macroscopic dielectric continuum model.