Proceedings Volume 10401

Astronomical Optics: Design, Manufacture, and Test of Space and Ground Systems

Proceedings Volume 10401

Astronomical Optics: Design, Manufacture, and Test of Space and Ground Systems

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Volume Details

Date Published: 7 December 2017
Contents: 13 Sessions, 43 Papers, 26 Presentations
Conference: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 2017
Volume Number: 10401

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

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  • Front Matter: Volume 10401
  • Technology Hot Topics
  • Laser Applications for Planetary Defense and Exploration
  • Optical Systems for Deep Space Missions
  • Timing, Phase, and Thermal Contributions to System Design
  • Optical Engineering Plenary Session
  • Glass and Materials
  • Mirror/Lens Design and Modeling
  • Optical Testing and Alignment
  • Imaging and Sensing I
  • Imaging and Sensing II
  • Filter and Mirror Technology
  • Poster Session
Front Matter: Volume 10401
Front Matter: Volume 10401
This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 10401 including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, Introduction, and Conference Committee listing.
Technology Hot Topics
Autonomous Vehicles (Conference Presentation)
This Conference Presentation, “Autonomous Vehicles” was recorded at SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017 held in San Diego, California, United States.
Laser Applications for Planetary Defense and Exploration
NEO deflection by laser ablation: experimental results (Conference Presentation)
Asteroids impact Earth daily. Some, like the Chelyabinsk Meteor that exploded over Siberia in 2013, can cause massive disruption to human enterprise (~$33M in damages) and thousands of injuries. To mitigate this potentially disastrous threat, our group has posited a phased laser array which would be used to direct energy towards approaching asteroids or other dangerous near Earth objects (NEOs). The laser array would ablate the NEO’s surface, inducing mass ejection, that would then cause a reactant thrust on the NEO in the opposite direction of the laser. To verify this concept in a laboratory environment, this work quantitatively measured the thrust induced on basalt and other asteroid regolith simulant by a 350W laser array. By placing the sample target on a torsion balance and measuring its angle of deflection under ablation, it is possible to calculate the induced thrust per unit watt. This angular change is measured with a secondary laser that reflects off of the torsion balance into an optical position sensor. By comparing this paper’s experimental results with prior theoretical and computational work, we can surmise a theoretical relationship between NEO size and required laser power for future NEO deflection missions.   
Long-period comet impact risk mitigation with Earth-based laser arrays
Qicheng Zhang, Philip M. Lubin, Gary B. Hughes
Long-period comets (LPCs) frequently transit the inner solar system, and like near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), pose a continued risk of impact with Earth. Unlike NEAs, LPCs follow nearly parabolic trajectories and approach from the distant outer solar system where they cannot be observed. An LPC on an Earth-impact trajectory is unlikely to be discovered more than a few years in advance of its arrival, even with significant advancements in sky survey detection capabilities, likely leaving insufficient time to develop and deliver an interception mission to deflect the comet. However, recent proposals have called for the development of one or more large ∼ 1 km laser arrays placed on or near Earth primarily as a means for photon propulsion of low-mass spacecraft at delta-v above what would be feasible by traditional chemical or ion propulsion methods. Such a laser array can also be directed to target and heat a threatening comet, sublimating its ices and activating jets of dust and vapor which alter the comet's trajectory in a manner similar to rocket propulsion. Simulations of directed energy comet deflection were previously developed from astrometric models of nongravitational orbital perturbations from solar heating, an analogous process that has been observed in numerous comets. These simulations are used together with the distribution of known LPC trajectories to evaluate the effect of an operational Earth-based laser array on the LPC impact risk.
Near-field optical model for directed energy-propelled spacecrafts
Amber Sucich, Tomas Snyder, Gary B. Hughes, et al.
Directed energy is envisioned to drive wafer-scale spacecraft to relativistic speeds. Spacecraft propulsion is provided by a large array of lasers, either in Earth orbit or stationed on the ground. The directed-energy beam is focused on the spacecraft sail, and momentum from photons in the laser beam is transferred to the spacecraft as the beam reflects off of the sail. In order for the beam to be concentrated on the spacecraft, precise phase control of all the elements across the laser array will be required. Any phase misalignments within the array will give rise to pointing fluctuations and flux asymmetry in the beam, necessitating creative approaches to spacecraft stability and beam following. In order to simulate spacecraft acceleration using an array of phase-locked lasers, a near field intensity model of the laser array is required. This paper describes a light propagation model that can be used to calculate intensity patterns for the near-field diffraction of a phased array. The model is based on the combination of complex frequencies from an array of emitters as the beams from each emitter strike a target surface. Ray-tracing geometry is used to determine the distance from each point on an emitter optical surface to each point on the target surface, and the distance is used to determine the phase contribution. Simulations are presented that explore the effects of fixed and time-varying phase mis-alignments on beam pointing, beam intensity and focusing characteristics.
Optical Systems for Deep Space Missions
Ions irradiation on bi-layer coatings
Enrico Tessarolo, Alain Jody Corso, Roman Böttger, et al.
Future space missions will operate in very harsh and extreme environments. Optical and electronics components need to be optimized and qualified in view of such operational challenges. This work focuses on the effect of low alpha particles irradiation on coatings. Low energy He+ (4 keV and 16 keV) ions have been considered in order to simulate in laboratory the irradiation of solar wind (slow and fast components) alpha particles. Mono- and proper bi-layers coatings have been investigated. The experimental tests have been carried out changing doses as well as fluxes during the irradiation sessions. Optical characterization in the UV-VIS spectral range and superficial morphological analysis have performed prior and after irradiation.
Systematic investigation of the optical coatings damages induced in harsh space environment
Alain Jody Corso, Enrico Tessarolo, Alessandro Martucci, et al.
The scientific goals required to the next-generation space missions lead the development of innovative instrumentation, conceived to operate in increasingly harsh environments. Optical coatings are among the sub-systems which can highly suffer the agents in such environments. In particular, as recently demonstrated, the accelerated ions and particles can potentially jeopardize the coatings optical performances, with a consequent degradation of the overall functionality of an instrument. Despite its importance, this issue is still poorly investigated. In fact, the fragmentary knowledge of the space environments and the low number of previous ground testing experiments complicates the definition of clear procedures to investigate the behavior of the optical coatings in space. A systematic approach devoted to identify a methodology for the validation of optical coatings under ions irradiation is presented. Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate the effects induced by different ion species and energies on both layers and multilayers of different materials, getting an accurate overview of the main criticalities. Such results are then used to plan representative irradiation experiments and the subsequent analysis procedures needed for a proper characterization of the exposed samples. In this paper, a summary of the experiments performed so far is presented. Thanks to these studies we have identified three main damage mechanisms which can be used to explain most of the degradation effects observed when an optical coating is irradiated with low energy particles. A brief discussion of such mechanisms is reported.
The trillion planet survey: an optical search for directed intelligence in M31
In realm of optical SETI, searches for pulsed laser signals have historically been preferred over those for continuous wave beacons. There are many valid reasons for this, namely the near elimination of false positives and simple experimental components. However, due to significant improvements in laser technologies and light-detection systems since the mid-20th century, as well as new data from the recent Kepler mission, continuous wave searches should no longer be ignored. In this paper we propose a search for continuous wave laser beacons from an intelligent civilization in the Andromeda galaxy. Using only a 0.8 meter telescope, a standard photometric system, and an image processing pipeline, we expect to be able to detect any CW laser signal directed at us from an extraterrestrial civilization in M31, as long as the civilization is operating at a wavelength we can “see” and has left the beacon on long enough for us to detect it here on Earth. The search target is M31 due to its high stellar density relative to our own Milky Way galaxy. Andromeda is home to at least one trillion stars, and thus at least one trillion planets. As a result, in surveying M31, we are surveying one trillion planets, and consequently one trillion possible locations of intelligent life. This is an unprecedented number of targets relative to other past SETI searches. We call this the TPS or Trillion Planet Survey.
Timing, Phase, and Thermal Contributions to System Design
Restoration of image distorted by atmospheric turbulence achieved by optical phase conjugation
Pengda Hong, Jing Su, Yujie J. Ding
We systematically review our recent research results on reconstructing image quality by second order nonlinear crystal composites. The broadband and polarization-insensitive optical phase conjugated beams are generated with pretty low power, and they are successfully utilized to real-time remove distortion caused by dynamic atmospheric turbulence. Compared with transmission configuration, reflection configuration can be more practically utilized in field deployment. With necessary modifications and miniaturization of setup, it can be potentially incorporated in satellite for space exploration.
Anti-resonant hollow core fiber for precision timing applications
Amy Van Newkirk, J. E. Antonio Lopez, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, et al.
Many applications rely on the ultra-precise timing of optical signals through fiber, such as fiber interferometers, large telescope arrays, in phase arrayed antennae, optical metrology, and precision navigation and tracking. Environmental changes, specifically those caused by temperature fluctuations, lead to variations in the propagation delay of optical signals and thereby decrease the accuracy of the system’s timing. The cause of these variations in delay is the change in the glass properties of the optical fiber with temperature. Both the refractive index of the glass and the length of the fiber are dependent on the ambient temperature. Traditional optical fiber suffers from a delay sensitivity of 39 ps/km/K. We are reducing the temperature sensitivity of the fiber delay through the application of a novel design of optical fiber, Anti-Resonant Hollow Core Fiber. The major improvement in the thermal sensitivity of this fiber comes from the fact that the light is guided in an air core, with very little overlap into the glass structure. This drastically reduces the impact that the thermally sensitive glass properties have on the propagation time of the optical signal. Additionally, hollow core fiber is inherently radiation insensitive, due to the light guidance in air, making it suitable for space applications.
Thermal assessment of sunlight impinging on OSIRIS-REx OCAMS PolyCam, OTES, and IMU-sunshade MLI blankets in flight
The NASA Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft was successfully launched into orbit on September 8, 2016. It is traveling to a near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu, study it in detail, and bring back a pristine sample to Earth for scientific analyses. At the Outbound Cruise nominal spacecraft attitude, with Sun on +X, sunlight impinges on the OSIRIS-REx camera suite (OCAMS) PolyCam sunshade multilayer insulation (MLI) with microporous black polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a portion of the PolyCam optics support tube (MLI with germanium black Kapton (GBK)), a portion of the OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) sunshade (MLI with GBK), the Inertia Measurement Unit (IMU) sunshade (MLI with GBK), and the OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter (OLA) sunshade (MLI with GBK). Sunlight is reflected or scattered by the above MLIs to the other components on the forward (+Z) deck. It illuminates the forward deck. A detailed thermal assessment on the solar impingement has been performed for the Proximity Ops at the asteroid, Touch-and-Go sample acquisition, and Return Cruise mission phases.
Optical Engineering Plenary Session
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (Conference Presentation)
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is a large aperture, wide-field, ground-based telescope designed to provide a time domain survey of the entire southern hemisphere in six optical bands. Over the ten-year duration of the survey, LSST will obtain ~800-1,000 images of every part of the southern sky, yielding a catalog of stars, galaxies, and moving small bodies in the solar system with nearly 40 billion objects. A diverse array of scientific investigations can be performed with a common database addressing topics ranging from the detection of potentially hazardous asteroids to the structure and evolution of the Universe as a whole. LSST incorporates an 8-m class primary mirror with a 3.2 billion pixel camera. I will discuss the design of this facility and our technical progress with construction and fabrication of the key components.
Glass and Materials
SCHOTT optical glass in space
Optical systems in space environment have to withstand harsh radiation. Radiation in space usually comes from three main sources: the Van Allen radiation belts (mainly electrons and protons); solar proton events and solar energetic particles (heavier ions); and galactic cosmic rays (gamma- or x-rays). Other heavy environmental effects include short wavelength radiation (UV) and extreme temperatures (cold and hot). Radiation can damage optical glasses and effect their optical properties. The most common effect is solarization, the decrease in transmittance by radiation. This effect can be observed for UV radiation and for gamma or electron radiation. Optical glasses can be stabilized against many radiation effects. SCHOTT offers radiation resistant glasses that do not show solarization effects for gamma or electron radiation. A review of SCHOTT optical glasses in space missions shows, that not only radiation resistant glasses are used in the optical designs, but also standard optical glasses. This publication finishes with a selection of space missions using SCHOTT optical glass over the last decades.
Homogeneity of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of ZERODUR: a review of a decade of evaluations
Ralf Jedamzik, Thomas Westerhoff
The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and its spatial homogeneity from small to large formats is the most important property of ZERODUR. Since more than a decade SCHOTT has documented the excellent CTE homogeneity. It started with reviews of past astronomical telescope projects like the VLT, Keck and GTC mirror blanks and continued with dedicated evaluations of the production. In recent years, extensive CTE measurements on samples cut from randomly selected single ZERODUR parts in meter size and formats of arbitrary shape, large production boules and even 4 m sized blanks have demonstrated the excellent CTE homogeneity in production. The published homogeneity data shows single ppb/K peak to valley CTE variations on medium spatial scale of several cm down to small spatial scale of only a few mm mostly at the limit of the measurement reproducibility. This review paper summarizes the results also in respect to the increased CTE measurement accuracy over the last decade of ZERODUR production.
ZERODUR 4-m blank surviving up to 20 g acceleration
Thomas Westerhoff, Thomas Werner, Thorsten Gehindy
The glass ceramic ZERODUR developed as astronomical telescope mirror substrate material has been widely used in many telescopes due to its excellent small coefficient of thermal expansion. Many large and medium sized mirror substrate blanks have been delivered in the almost 50 years of ZERODUR business so far. Packaging and transportation of mirror substrates of 4 to 8 m in diameter with a weight between 3 and 20 tons requires special attention and sophisticated skills to successful deliver the blanks to their destination at polishing shops all over the world. Typically, a combination of road and sea transport needs to be organized. The requirements on the transport container are depending on the transport route and may vary from destination to destination. In any case the container needs to be able to sufficiently support the multi ton ZERODUR blank to avoid breaking under gravity. Additionally, the configuration needs to be able to absorb shocks happening during transport and loading between truck trailer and ship. For insurance reasons the transport container is always equipped with a GPS trackable shock recorder allowing to download the recorded accelerations on the container and the blank throughout the entire journey. This paper reports on the event of a 4 m class ZERODUR blank exposed to shocks up to 20 g during transport. The event will be discussed in detail together with lessons learned to avoid such events for future transports. Additionally, the 20 g acceleration will be discussed in respect to the data on bending strength for ZERODUR ground surfaces reported in numerous papers by Peter Hartmann in the last couple of years.
Review of space radiation interaction with ZERODUR
Antoine Carré, Thomas Westerhoff, Tony Hull, et al.
ZERODUR has been and is still being successfully used as mirror substrates for a large number of space missions. Improvements in CNC machining at SCHOTT allow to achieve extremely light weighted substrates incorporating very thin ribs and face sheets. This paper is reviewing data published on the interaction of space radiation with ZERODUR. Additionally, this paper reports on considerations and experiments which are needed to confidently apply an updated model on ZERODUR behavior under space radiation for extremely light weighted ZERODUR substrates.
Mirror/Lens Design and Modeling
Design and component test results of the LSST Camera L1-L2 lens assembly
A. Barto, S. Winters, J. Burge, et al.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) camera will be the largest camera ever constructed for astronomy. When light enters the camera it will first pass through the two large lenses of the L1-L2 Lens Assembly. This assembly consists of a 1.6 m spherical lens and a 1.2 m aspheric lens held in critical alignment by a carbon fiber composite structure. The structure is mounted to the camera structure by six adjustable struts, which provide the mechanism to align the L1-L2 Assembly to the rest of the camera optical system. Final optical performance of this assembly is based upon lens figure, lens alignment, and alignment stability. With manufacture of the individual components of the L1-L2 Lens assembly and testing of the integrated composite structure nearing completion, design, design drivers, and test results will be presented.
Advanced mirror technology development (AMTD): year five status
The Advanced Mirror Technology Development (AMTD) project is in Phase 2 of a multiyear effort initiated in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012, to mature the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of critical technologies required to enable 4-m-orlarger monolithic or segmented ultraviolet, optical, and infrared (UVOIR) space telescope primary-mirror assemblies for general astrophysics, ultra-high-contrast observations of exoplanets, and National Interest missions. Key accomplishments of 2016/17 include the completion of the Harris Corp ~150 Hz 1.5-meter Ultra-Low Expansion (ULE) mirror substrate using stacked core method to demonstrate lateral stability of the stacked core technology, as well as the characterization and validation by test of the mechanical and thermal performance of the 1.2-meter Zerodur mirror using the STOP model prediction and verification of CTE homogeneity.
Development of the camera lens system for total solar eclipse observation (Conference Presentation)
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) has been developing the Camera Lens System (CLS) for the Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) observation. In 2016 we have assembled a simple camera system including a camera lens, a polarizer, bandpass filters, and CCD to observe the solar corona during the Total Solar Eclipse in Indonesia. Even we could not obtain the satisfactory result in the observation due to poor environment, we obtained some lessons such as poor image quality due to ghost effect from the lens system. For 2017 TSE observation, we have studied and adapted the compact coronagraph design proposed by NASA. The compact coronagraph design dramatically reduces the volume and weight and can be used for TSE observation without an external occulter which blocks the solar disk. We are in developing another camera system using the compact coronagraph design to test and verify key components including bandpass filter, polarizer, and CCD, and it will be used for the Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) in 2017. We plan to adapt this design for a coronagraph mission in the future. In this report we introduce the progress and current status of the project and focus on optical engineering works including designing, analyzing, testing, and building for the TSE observation.
ZERODUR expanding capabilities and capacity for future spaceborne and ground-based telescopes
Thomas Westerhoff, Thomas Werner
The glass ceramic ZERODUR is well known for its extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion making it one of the key materials for ultra-precision application such as IC and LCD Lithography, High-end Metrology, Aviation and space borne or ground based Astronomy. The steady growth of demand for more precision in those applications together with a growing number of precision systems and components is requesting the ability to on hand increase precision in manufacturing. Additionally, there is a need to increase production capacity of ZERODUR CNC machined products in parallel. This paper reports on the measures SCHOTT is realizing to feed the continuously increasing demand on high precision material and components. Next to a second melting tank additional capacity is going to be installed along the entire value stream of ZERODUR production. Features of new CNC machining capabilities in the two and four meter class will be reported allowing to provide tighter tolerance on mirror surface figure together with reduced sub surface damage in order to accelerate the polishing time. Examples are discussed such as the 4 m class secondary and tertiary mirrors for the ESO E-ELT. The new equipment will enable SCHOTT to light weight 4 m class mirror substrates for future space optics demand.
Optical Testing and Alignment
Instantaneous phase mapping deflectometry for dynamic deformable mirror characterization
Isaac Trumper, Heejoo Choi
We present an instantaneous phase mapping deflectometry (PMD) system in the context of measuring a continuous surface deformable mirror (DM). Deflectometry has a high dynamic range, enabling the full range of surfaces generated by the DM to be measured. The recent development of an instantaneous PMD system leverages the simple setup of the PMD system to measure dynamic objects with accuracy similar to an interferometer. To demonstrate the capabilities of this technology, we perform a linearity measurement of the actuator motion in a continuous surface DM, which is critical for closed loop control in adaptive optics applications. We measure the entire set of actuators across the DM as they traverse their full range of motion with a Shack-Hartman wavefront sensor, thereby obtaining the influence function. Given the influence function of each actuator, the DM can produce specific Zernike terms on its surface. We then measure the linearity of the Zernike modes available in the DM software using the instantaneous PMD system. By obtaining the relationship between modes, we can more accurately generate surface profiles composed of Zernike terms. This ability is useful for other dynamic freeform metrology applications that utilize the DM as a null component.
JWST center of curvature test method and results
Babak Saif, David Chaney, Perry Greenfield, et al.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) recently saw the completion of the assembly process for the Optical Telescope Element and Integrated Science Instrument Module (OTIS). This integration effort was performed at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland. In conjunction with this assembly process a series of vibration and acoustic tests were performed. To help assure the telescope’s primary mirror was not adversely impacted by this environmental testing an optical center of curvature (CoC) test was performed to measure changes in the mirror’s optical performance. The primary is a 6.5 meter diameter mirror consisting of 18 individual hexagonal segments. Each segment is an off-axis asphere. There are a total of three prescriptions repeated six times each. As part of the CoC test each segment was individually measured using a high-speed interferometer (HSI) designed and built specifically for this test. This interferometer is capable of characterizing both static and dynamic characteristics of the mirrors. The latter capability was used, with the aid of a vibration stinger applying a low-level input force, to measure the dynamic characteristic changes of the PM backplane structure. This paper describes the CoC test setup, an innovative alignment method, and both static and dynamic test results.
Slanted-edge MTF testing for establishing focus alignment at infinite conjugate of space optical systems with gravity sag effects
T. Newswander, David W. Riesland, Duane Miles, et al.
For space optical systems that image extended scenes such as earth-viewing systems, modulation transfer function (MTF) test data is directly applicable to system optical resolution. For many missions, it is the most direct metric for establishing the best focus of the instrument. Additionally, MTF test products can be combined to predict overall imaging performance. For fixed focus instruments, finding the best focus during ground testing is critical to achieving good imaging performance. The ground testing should account for the full-imaging system, operational parameters, and operational environment. Testing the full-imaging system removes uncertainty caused by breaking configurations and the combination of multiple subassembly test results. For earth viewing, the imaging system needs to be tested at infinite conjugate. Operational environment test conditions should include temperature and vacuum. Optical MTF testing in the presence of operational vibration and gravity release is less straightforward and may not be possible on the ground. Gravity effects are mitigated by testing in multiple orientations. Many space telescope systems are designed and built to have optimum performance in a gravity-free environment. These systems can have imaging performance that is dominated by aberration including astigmatism. This paper discusses how the slanted edge MTF test is applied to determine the best focus of a space optical telescope in ground testing accounting for gravity sag effects. Actual optical system test results and conclusions are presented.
Diffractive optics for precision alignment of Euclid space telescope optics
Jean-Michel Asfour, Frank Weidner, Christof Bodendorf, et al.
We present a method for precise alignment of lens elements using specific Computer Generated Hologram (CGH) with an integrated Fizeau reference flat surface and a Fizeau interferometer. The method is used for aligning the so called Camera Lens Assembly for ESAs Euclid telescope. Each lens has a corresponding annular area on the diffractive optics, which is used to control the position of each lens. The lenses are subsequently positioned using individual annular rings of the CGH. The overall alignment accuracy is below 1 µm, the alignment sensitivity is in the range of 0.1 µm. The achieved alignment accuracy of the lenses relative to each other is mainly depending on the stability in time of the alignment tower. Error budgets when using computer generated holograms and physical limitations are explained. Calibration measurements of the alignment system and the typically reached alignment accuracies will be shown and discussed.
Imaging and Sensing I
Operation and performance of the New Horizons Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager during the Pluto encounter
S. J. Conard, H. A. Weaver, J. I. Núñez, et al.
The Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) is a high-resolution imaging instrument on the New Horizons spacecraft. LORRI collected over 5000 images during the approach and fly-by of the Pluto system in 2015, including the highest resolution images of Pluto and Charon and the four much smaller satellites (Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra) near the time of closest approach on 14 July 2015. LORRI is a narrow field of view (0.29°), Ritchey-Chrétien telescope with a 20.8 cm diameter primary mirror and a three-lens field flattener. The telescope has an effective focal length of 262 cm. The focal plane unit consists of a 1024 × 1024 pixel charge-coupled device (CCD) detector operating in frame transfer mode. LORRI provides panchromatic imaging over a bandpass that extends approximately from 350 nm to 850 nm. The instrument operates in an extreme thermal environment, viewing space from within the warm spacecraft. For this reason, LORRI has a silicon carbide optical system with passive thermal control, designed to maintain focus without adjustment over a wide temperature range from -100 C to +50 C. LORRI operated flawlessly throughout the encounter period, providing both science and navigation imaging of the Pluto system. We describe the preparations for the Pluto system encounter, including pre-encounter rehearsals, calibrations, and navigation imaging. In addition, we describe LORRI operations during the encounter, and the resulting imaging performance. Finally, we also briefly describe the post-Pluto encounter imaging of other Kuiper belt objects and the plans for the upcoming encounter with KBO 2014 MU69.
Adaptation of Dunn Solar Telescope for Jovian Doppler spectro imaging
Thomas A. Underwood, David Voelz, François-Xavier Schmider, et al.
This paper describes instrumentation used to adapt the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) located on Sacramento Peak in Sunspot, NM for observations using the Doppler Spectro Imager (DSI). The DSI is based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer and measures the Doppler shift of solar lines allowing for the study of atmospheric dynamics of giant planets and the detection of their acoustic oscillations. The instrumentation is being designed and built through a collaborative effort between a French team from the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur (OCA) that designed the DSI and a US team at New Mexico State University (NMSU). There are four major components that couple the DSI to the DST: a guider/tracker, fast steering mirror (FSM), pupil stabilizer and transfer optics. The guider/tracker processes digital video to centroid-track the planet and outputs voltages to the DST’s heliostat controls. The FSM removes wavefront tip/tilt components primarily due to turbulence and the pupil stabilizer removes any slow pupil “wander” introduced by the telescope’s heliostat/turret arrangement. The light received at a science port of the DST is sent through the correction and stabilization components and into the DSI. The FSM and transfer optics designs are being provided by the OCA team and serve much the same functions as they do for other telescopes at which DSI observations have been conducted. The pupil stabilization and guider are new and are required to address characteristics of the DST.
An acquisition technology of optical ground station in satellite-ground QKD
In this paper, a method of acquisition between optical ground station and quantum communication satellite named Micius for establish optical links is proposed. The acquisition technological specification of the optical ground station system is analyzed. The acquisition strategy of optical ground station is designed. In order to point accurately to quantum satellite for optical ground station, system error modifying method is designed, using the telescope mount model to improve the absolute pointing precision. Finally the experiment result is proposed. Results show that the correction accuracy is better than 5μrad. The acquisition time is less than 5 seconds.
Imaging and spectral performance of the New Horizons Ralph instrument during the 2015 Pluto encounter (Conference Presentation)
Allen W. Lunsford, Dennis Reuter, Donald E. Jennings, et al.
The Ralph instrument on the New Horizons mission consists of a telescope that feeds two focal planes: the Multi-spectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC), a visible, near-IR imager and the Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA), a short-wavelength IR spectral imager. During the encounter with the Pluto system in 2015, Ralph operated as expected collecting numerous high spatial resolution images of the main components of the system, Pluto and Charon, as well as the four much smaller objects Hydra, Kerberos, Nix and Styx. New Horizons, launched on January 19, 2006, is the first mission to explore Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs).
Multiplexing in astrophysics with a UV multi-object spectrometer on CETUS, a probe-class mission study
The ultraviolet multi-object spectrograph (MOS) for the Cosmic Evolution Through UV Spectroscopy (CETUS) concept1,2 is a slit-based instrument allowing multiple simultaneous observations over a wide field of view. It utilizes a next-generation micro-shutter array, an efficient aspheric Offner spectrometer design with a convex grating, and carbon nanotube light traps for suppressing unwanted wavelengths. The optical coatings are also designed to optimize the UV throughput while minimizing out-of-band signal at the detector. The UV MOS will be able to target up to 100 objects at a time without the issues of confusion with nearby sources or unwanted background like zodiacal stray light. With this multiplexing, the scientific yield of both Probe and Great Observatories will be greatly enhanced.
Imaging and Sensing II
Simulating SOFIA's image jitter performance and how the results compare to in-flight measurements
Friederike Graf, Andreas Reinacher, Daniel Spohr, et al.
SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy is an airborne telescope and in full operation since 2014. It has already successfully conducted over 400 flights and can be equipped with eight different science instruments which range from the visible to the far infrared wavelength regime. In order to reach SOFIA’s scientific goals, the telescope has to provide a stable platform with the ambitous image jitter requirements of less than 0.4 ”rms. Such a steady operating environment is especially important for slit spectrometers like EXES (Echelon - Cross - Echelle Spectrograph), that aim to keep the star in the area of a very thin slit for integration. Currently, image motion is mainly caused by deformation and excitation of the telescope structure in a wide range of frequencies. These disturbances are counteracted by the so-called Flexible Body Compensation system which uses a set of accelerometers to estimate the resulting image motion. To better study optimization possibilities of SOFIA’s control system, a simulation tool has been developed which not only implements system identification data and analytically derived models, but also allows the implementation and verification with sensor data from in flight measurements. Results of the simulation as well as in flight measurements will be presented and improvement strategies will be discussed.
Second-order spherical optoelectronic detector for 3D multi-particles wave emission and propagation in space time domains
Francesco Romano, Rosario F. Cimmino
This paper concerns a feasibility study on a 2nd order spherical, or three-dimensional, angular momentum and linear momentum detector for photonic radiation applications. It has been developed in order to obtain a paraxial approximation of physical events observed under Coulomb gauge condition, which is essential to compute both the longitudinal and transverse rotational components of the observed 3-D vortex field, generally neglected by conventional detection systems under current usage. Since light and laser beams are neither full transversal or rotational phenomena, to measure directly and in the same time both the energy, mainly not-rotational, related to the relevant part of the linear momentum and the potential solenoidal energy (vortex), related to the angular momentum, 2nd order spherical, or 3-D, detector techniques are required. In addition, direct 2nd order measure techniques enable development of TEM + DEM [17] studies, therefore allowing for monochromatic complex wave detection with a paraxial accuracy in the relativistic time-space domain. Light and optic or Electromagnetic 2nd order 3-D AnM energy may usefully be used in tre-dimensional optical TEM, noTEM, DEM vortex or laser communications The paper illustrates an innovative quadratic order 3-D spherical model detector applied to directly measure a light source power spectrum and compares the performances of this innovative technique with those obtained with a traditional 1st order system. Results from a number of test experiments conducted in cooperation with INAF Observatories of ArcetriFlorence and Medicina-Bologna (Italy), and focused on telescopic observations of the inter-stellar electromagnetic radiations, are also summarized. The innovative quadratic-order spherical detector turns out to be optimal for optical and/or radio telescopes application, optical and optoelectronic sensors development and gravitational wave 2nd order detectors implementation. Although the proposed method is very innovative, it shows a very good adherence with results obtained with the conventional techniques in current usage.
4MOST optical system: presentation and design details
Nicolas Azaïs, Steffen Frey, Olga Bellido, et al.
The 4-meter Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST) is a wide-field, high-multiplex spectroscopic survey facility under development for the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) 4 meter telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) at Cerro Paranal. The objective of 4MOST is to enable the simultaneous spectroscopy of a significant number of targets within a 2.5° diameter field of view, to allow high-efficiency all-sky spectroscopic surveys. A wide field corrector (WFC) is needed to couple targets across the 2.5° field diameter with the exit pupil concentric with the spherical focal surface where ~2400 fibres are configured by a fibre positioner (AESOP). For optimal fibre optic coupling and active optics wavefront sensing the WFC will correct optical aberrations of the primary (M1) and secondary (M2) VISTA optics across the full field of view and provide a well-defined and stable focal surface to which the acquisition/guiding sensors, wavefront sensors, and fibre positioner are interfaced. It will also compensate for the effects of atmospheric dispersion, allowing good chromatic coupling of stellar images with the fibre apertures over a wide range of telescope zenith angles (ZD). The fibres feed three spectrographs; two thirds of the fibres will feed two low resolution spectrographs and the remaining 812 fibres will feed a high-resolution spectrograph. The three spectrographs are fixed-configuration with three channels each. We present the 4MOST optical system together with optical simulation of subsystems.
Voltage linear transformation circuit design
Lucas R. W. Sanchez, Moon-Seob Jin, R. Phillip Scott, et al.
Many engineering projects require automated control of analog voltages over a specified range. We have developed a computer interface comprising custom hardware and MATLAB code to provide real-time control of a Thorlabs adaptive optics (AO) kit. The hardware interface includes an op amp cascade to linearly shift and scale a voltage range. With easy modifications, any linear transformation can be accommodated. In AO applications, the design is suitable to drive a range of different types of deformable and fast steering mirrors (FSM’s). Our original motivation and application was to control an Optics in Motion (OIM) FSM which requires the customer to devise a unique interface to supply voltages to the mirror controller to set the mirror’s angular deflection. The FSM is in an optical servo loop with a wave front sensor (WFS), which controls the dynamic behavior of the mirror’s deflection. The code acquires wavefront data from the WFS and fits a plane, which is subsequently converted into its corresponding angular deflection. The FSM provides ±3° optical angular deflection for a ±10 V voltage swing. Voltages are applied to the mirror via a National Instruments digital-to-analog converter (DAC) followed by an op amp cascade circuit. This system has been integrated into our Thorlabs AO testbed which currently runs at 11 Hz, but with planned software upgrades, the system update rate is expected to improve to 500 Hz. To show that the FSM subsystem is ready for this speed, we conducted two different PID tuning runs at different step commands. Once 500 Hz is achieved, we plan to make the code and method for our interface solution freely available to the community.
Design of the telescope controller rejecting ground-based disturbance based on data fusion
In this paper, a telescope control method to reject ground-based disturb is proposed to enhance the tracking precision of telescope systems. Telescope systems usually suffer some uncertainouter disturbances, some disturbance come from the torque disturb such as friction orwind loads, some of the others may come from the platform. For astronomical telescope, especially relative large volume telescope, disturb from ground istransferred to the telescope via the pier foundation. And the main mount of disturb is the resonance frequency of pier foundation. The frequency is about 10Hz.A complete vibration test was carried out on a quantum satellite-ground communicationground telescope. Some conclusion is achieved. And a control method based on data fusion to rejecting ground-based disturbance is proposed. The test showed that the method could reduce the track error from 1.5 angular second to 0.28 angular second.
Filter and Mirror Technology
Active optics as enabling technology for future large missions: current developments for astronomy and Earth observation at ESA
In recent years, a trend for higher resolution has increased the entrance apertures of future optical payloads for both Astronomy and Earth Observation most demanding applications, resulting in new opto-mechanical challenges for future systems based on either monolithic or segmented large primary mirrors. Whether easing feasibility and schedule impact of tight manufacturing and integration constraints or correcting mission-critical in-orbit and commissioning effects, Active Optics constitutes an enabling technology for future large optical space instruments at ESA and needs to reach the necessary maturity in time for future mission selection and implementation. We present here a complete updated overview of our current R and D activities in this field, ranging from deformable space-compatible components to full correction chains including wavefront sensing as well as control and correction algorithms. We share as well our perspectives on the way-forward to technological maturity and implementation within future missions.
Atomic layer deposition and etching methods for far ultraviolet aluminum mirrors
High-performance aluminum mirrors at far ultraviolet wavelengths require transparent dielectric materials as protective coatings to prevent oxidation. Reducing the thickness of this protective layer can result in additional performance gains by minimizing absorption losses, and provides a path toward high Al reflectance in the challenging wavelength range of 90 to 110 nm. We have pursued the development of new atomic layer deposition processes (ALD) for the metal fluoride materials of MgF2, AlF3 and LiF. Using anhydrous hydrogen fluoride as a reactant, these films can be deposited at the low temperatures required for large-area surface-finished optics and polymeric diffraction gratings. We also report on the development and application of an atomic layer etching (ALE) procedure to controllably etch native aluminum oxide. Our ALE process utilizes the same chemistry used in the ALD of AlF3 thin films, allowing for a combination of high-performance evaporated Al layers and ultrathin ALD encapsulation without requiring vacuum transfer. Progress in demonstrating the scalability of this approach, as well as the environmental stability of ALD/ALE Al mirrors are discussed in the context of possible future applications for NASA LUVOIR and HabEx mission concepts.
A dense grid of narrow bandpass steep edge filters for the JST/T250 telescope: summary of results
On the Javalambre mountain in Spain, the Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon (CEFCA) has setup a new wide field telescope, the JST/T250: a 2.55 m telescope with a plate scale of 22.67”/mm and a 3° diameter field of view. To conduct a photometric sky survey, a large format mosaic camera made of 14 individual CCDs is used in combination with filter trays containing 14 filters each of theses 101.7 x 96.5 mm in size. For this instrument, SCHOTT manufactured 56 specially designed steep edged bandpass interference filters which were recently completed. The filter set consists of bandpass filters in the range between 348,5 nm and 910 nm and a longpass filter at 915 nm. Most of the filters have FWHM of 14.5 nm and a blocking between 250 and 1050 nm with optical density of OD5. Absorptive color glass substrates in combination with interference filters were used to minimize residual reflection in order to avoid ghost images. Inspite of containing absorptive elements, the filters show the maximum possible transmission. This was achieved by using magnetron sputtering for the filter coating process. The most important requirement for the continuous photometric survey is the tight tolerancing of the central wavelengths and FWHM of the filters. This insures each bandpass having a defined overlap with its neighbors. In addition, the blocking of the filters is better than OD5 in the range 250–1050 nm. A high image quality required a low transmitted wavefront error (</4 locally and </2 on the whole aperture) which was achieved even by combining 2 or 3 substrates. We report on the spectral and interferometric results measured on the whole set of filters. λλ
The study of optimization on process parameters of high-accuracy computerized numerical control polishing
Wei-Ren Huang, Shih-Pu Huang, Tsung-Yueh Tsai, et al.
Spherical lenses lead to forming spherical aberration and reduced optical performance. Consequently, in practice optical system shall apply a combination of spherical lenses for aberration correction. Thus, the volume of the optical system increased. In modern optical systems, aspherical lenses have been widely used because of their high optical performance with less optical components. However, aspherical surfaces cannot be fabricated by traditional full aperture polishing process due to their varying curvature. Sub-aperture computer numerical control (CNC) polishing is adopted for aspherical surface fabrication in recent years. By using CNC polishing process, mid-spatial frequency (MSF) error is normally accompanied during this process. And the MSF surface texture of optics decreases the optical performance for high precision optical system, especially for short-wavelength applications. Based on a bonnet polishing CNC machine, this study focuses on the relationship between MSF surface texture and CNC polishing parameters, which include feed rate, head speed, track spacing and path direction. The power spectral density (PSD) analysis is used to judge the MSF level caused by those polishing parameters. The test results show that controlling the removal depth of single polishing path, through the feed rate, and without same direction polishing path for higher total removal depth can efficiently reduce the MSF error. To verify the optical polishing parameters, we divided a correction polishing process to several polishing runs with different direction polishing paths. Compare to one shot polishing run, multi-direction path polishing plan could produce better surface quality on the optics.
Lithographic manufacturing of adaptive optics components
R. Phillip Scott, Madison Jean, Lee Johnson, et al.
Adaptive optics systems and their laboratory test environments call for a number of unusual optical components. Examples include lenslet arrays, pyramids, and Kolmogorov phase screens. Because of their specialized application, the availability of these parts is generally limited, with high cost and long lead time, which can also significantly drive optical system design. These concerns can be alleviated by a fast and inexpensive method of optical fabrication. To that end, we are exploring direct-write lithographic techniques to manufacture three different custom elements. We report results from a number of prototype devices including 1, 2, and 3 wave Multiple Order Diffractive (MOD) lenslet arrays with 0.75 mm pitch and phase screens with near Kolmogorov structure functions with a Fried length r0 around 1 mm. We also discuss plans to expand our research to include a diffractive pyramid that is smaller, lighter, and more easily manufactured than glass versions presently used in pyramid wavefront sensors. We describe how these components can be produced within the limited dynamic range of the lithographic process, and with a rapid prototyping and manufacturing cycle. We discuss exploratory manufacturing methods, including replication, and potential observing techniques enabled by the ready availability of custom components.
Poster Session
Customized broadband sloan-filters for the JST/T250 and JAST/T80 telescopes: summary of results
The Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon (CEFCA) will conduct a photometric sky survey with 2 new telescopes recently setup on the Javalambre mountain in Spain: the JST/T250 is a 2.55m telescope with a plate scale of 22.67”/mm and a 3° diameter field of view (FoV) and the auxiliary telescope JAST/T80 with a 82cm primary mirror and a FoV of 2 deg diameter. A multiple CCD (9k-by-9k array size, 10μm pixel size) mosaic camera is used in combination with filter trays or filter wheels, each containing a multitude of filters in dimensions of 101.7x96.5mm or 106.8x106.8mm. For this project, SCHOTT manufactured 56 specially designed narrow band steep edged bandpass interference filters and 5 broadband sloan-filters which were completed only recently. We report here on the results of the broadband sloanfilters with transmission bands of 324-400nm (sloan-u), 400-550nm (sloan-g), 550-700nm (sloan-r), 695-850nm (sloan-i) and 830-1200nm (sloan-z). The filters are composed of SCHOTT filterglasses and clearglass substrates coated with interference filters and represent an improvement of broadband sloan filters commonly used in astronomy. Inspite of the absorptive elements, the filters show maximum possible transmissions achieved by magnetron sputtered filter coatings. In addition the blocking of the filters is better than OD5 in the range 250–1050nm. A high image quality required a low transmitted wavefront error (<λ/8 locally, respectively <λ/2 globally) which was achieved by combining up to 2 substrates. We report on the spectral and interferometric results measured on the filters.
An empirical comparison of primary baffle and vanes for optical astronomical telescope
Taoran Li, Yingwei Chen
In optical astronomical telescopes, the primary baffle is a tube-like structure centering in the hole of the primary mirror and the vanes usually locate inside the baffle, improving the suppression of stray light. They are the most common methods of stray light control. To characterize the performance of primary baffle and vanes, an empirical comparison based on astronomical observations has been made with Xinglong 50cm telescope. Considering the convenience of switching, an independent vanes structure is designed, which can also improve the process of the primary mirror cooling and the air circulation. The comparison of two cases: (1) primary baffle plus vanes and (2) vanes alone involves in-dome and on-sky observations. Both the single star and the various off-axis angles of the stray light source observations are presented. The photometrical images are recorded by CCD to analyze the magnitude and the photometric error. The stray light uniformity of the image background derives from the reduction image which utilizes the MATLAB software to remove the stars. The in-dome experiments results reveal the effectiveness of primary baffle and the independent vanes structure. Meanwhile, the on-sky photometric data indicate there are little differences between them. The stray light uniformity has no difference when the angle between the star and the moon is greater than 20 degrees.
A friction compensating method based on data fusion in telescope controller design
In this paper, a friction compensating method based on data fusion in telescope controller is proposed to enhance the tracking precision of telescope systems. Telescope systems usually suffer some uncertain disturbances, such as friction, wind loads and other unknown disturbances. Especially, when telescope change speed direction, the friction is the dominate track error. Thereby, to ensure the tracking precision, the friction compensating method which can attenuate the influence of friction is introduced. Besides, to improve the friction identify accuracy, a data fusion method which fuse accelerometer and encoder is adopted. Finally, a few comparative experimental results show that the proposed control method has excellent performance for reducing the tracking error of telescope system.
Optical design of infrared pyramid wavefront sensor for the MMT
Shaojie Chen, Suresh Sivanandam, Siqi Liu, et al.
We report the optical design of an infrared (0.85-1.8 μm) pyramid wavefront sensor (IRPWFS) that is designed for the 6.5m MMT on telescope adaptive optics system using the latest developments in low-noise infrared avalanche photodiode arrays. The comparison between the pyramid and the double-roof prism based wavefront sensors and the evaluation of their micro pupils’ quality are presented. According to our analysis, the use of two double-roof prisms with achromatic materials produces the competitive performance when compared to the traditional pyramid prism, which is difficult to manufacture. The final micro pupils on the image plane have the residual errors of pupil position, chromatism, and distortion within 1/10 pixel over the 2×2 arcsecond field of view, which meet the original design goals.
Optical design of the long slit spectrograph for 1m telescope
In this article we describe optical design of a long-slit spectrograph for the 1-m telescopes of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of Russian Academy of Science and Bonhyunsan Optical Astronomical Observatory (Rep. of Korea). The operating spectral range is 350-750 nm. The spectrograph is to provide several observing modes including the following spectral resolutions: R100; R1000; R4000. It provides the direct imaging regime as well. The spectroscopic and imaging regimes are constrained with the use of a 2k × 4k CCD detector of 13.5 μm pixel size. For dispersing optical elements we use volume-phased grisms at each of the spectroscopic modes. The highest resolution mode (R4000) is provided by consecutive observations in three spectral ranges: 350-450 nm; 450-580 nm; 580-750 nm. Light losses in the spectrograph are achieved to be less than 50% in the whole spectral range due to the use of Ohara glasses. As to technical advantages of the presented solution we would notice its ability to provide all observing modes in a wide spectral range with one, non-replaceable projection camera without glued lenses. The spot diagram size does not exceed 2 pixels size in all modes and wavelengths.
Control code for laboratory adaptive optics teaching system
Moonseob Jin, Ryan Luder, Lucas Sanchez, et al.
By sensing and compensating wavefront aberration, adaptive optics (AO) systems have proven themselves crucial in large astronomical telescopes, retinal imaging, and holographic coherent imaging. Commercial AO systems for laboratory use are now available in the market. One such is the ThorLabs AO kit built around a Boston Micromachines deformable mirror. However, there are limitations in applying these systems to research and pedagogical projects since the software is written with limited flexibility. In this paper, we describe a MATLAB-based software suite to interface with the ThorLabs AO kit by using the MATLAB Engine API and Visual Studio. The software is designed to offer complete access to the wavefront sensor data, through the various levels of processing, to the command signals to the deformable mirror and fast steering mirror. In this way, through a MATLAB GUI, an operator can experiment with every aspect of the AO system’s functioning. This is particularly valuable for tests of new control algorithms as well as to support student engagement in an academic environment. We plan to make the code freely available to the community.
Elemental analysis of meteorites using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
Adarsh Ananthachar, Surya Harikrishnan , Unnikrishnan V. K. , et al.
Research in the field of laser plasma spectroscopy is gaining more importance due to its wide applications in various fields like astronomy, industry, environmental related studies, archeology and many more. The spectroscopic characterization of plasma generated in the meteorite samples during the Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) shows the emission spectrum of elements present in it and also allows one to rapidly identify the elemental composition without any sample preparation and with good accuracy compared to some of the other methods adapted for the said purpose. Also, LIBS has other advantages like multi-elemental response, micro-nano gram level of destructiveness and portability of the instrument. The elemental analysis results for a few of the selected samples such as Iron meteorites, Lunar meteorites, Eucrites and impact glass are presented and discussed in this work. The results reveal that LIBS can be a potential alternative method for the meteorite fragment analysis.
Optical design for CETUS: a wide-field 1.5m aperture UV payload being studied for a NASA probe class mission study
We are developing a NASA Headquarters selected Probe-class mission concept called the Cosmic Evolution Through UV Spectroscopy (CETUS) mission, which includes a 1.5-m aperture diameter large field-of-view (FOV) telescope optimized for UV imaging, multi-object spectroscopy, and point-source spectroscopy. The optical system includes a Three Mirror Anastigmatic (TMA) telescope that simultaneously feeds three separate scientific instruments: the near-UV (NUV) Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) with a next-generation Micro-Shutter Array (MSA); the two-channel camera covering the far-UV (FUV) and NUV spectrum; and the point-source spectrograph covering the FUV and NUV region with selectable R~ 40,000 echelle modes and R~ 2,000 first order modes. The optical system includes fine guidance sensors, wavefront sensing, and spectral and flat-field in-flight calibration sources. This paper will describe the current optical design of CETUS.
An optimal method for producing low-stress fibre optic cables for astronomy
An increasing number of astronomical spectrographs employ optical fibres to collect and deliver light. For integral-field and high multiplex multi-object survey instruments, fibres offer unique flexibility in instrument design by enabling spectrographs to be located remotely from the telescope focal plane where the fibre inputs are deployed. Photon-starved astronomical observations demand optimum efficiency from the fibre system. In addition to intrinsic absorption loss in optical fibres, another loss mechanism, so-called focal ratio degradation (FRD) must be considered. A fundamental cause of FRD is stress, therefore low stress fibre cables that impart minimum FRD are essential. The FMOS fibre instrument for Subaru Telescope employed a highly effective cable solution developed at Durham University. The method has been applied again for the PFS project, this time in collaboration with a company, PPC Broadband Ltd. The process, planetary stranding, is adapted from the manufacture of large fibre-count, large diameter marine telecommunications cables. Fibre bundles describe helical paths through the cable, incorporating additional fibre per unit length. As a consequence fibre stress from tension and bend-induced ‘race-tracking’ is minimised. In this paper stranding principles are explained, covering the fundamentals of stranded cable design. The authors describe the evolution of the stranding production line and the numerous steps in the manufacture of the PFS prototype cable. The results of optical verification tests are presented for each stage of cable production, confirming that the PFS prototype performs exceptionally well. The paper concludes with an outline of future on-telescope test plans.