Prof. Xiaowei Sun
Fellow Member |
Chair Professor
at Southern Univ of Science and Technology
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SPIE Membership:
15.1 years
SPIE Awards:
Fellow status | 2024 Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display Fumio Okano Best Paper Award
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Dr. Sun is presently a Chair Professor in the Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. He is also the Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and acting Dean of the College of Engineering. Before joining Southern University of Science and Technology, he had been working at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as a Full Professor. He was the Director, Microelectronics Center at Nanyang Technological University. He was awarded the Nanyang Award for Research and Innovation in 2009, the 1000 Talent Award by the Chinese Government in 2012, and the Jacques Beaulieu Excellence Research Chair of INRS (Institut national de la recherche scientifique), Quebec, Canada in 2013. He is an Academician of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials. He is a Fellow of Optical Society of America (OSA), SPIE, Society for Information Display (SID), and Institute of Physics (IoP, UK). He is the founder and president of the Society for Energy Photonics, a non-profitable organization promoting photonics technologies to solve energy crisis and combat global warming and climate change. He is presently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His main research presently is on semiconductor nanocrystals for power-saving high-quality displays and lighting. Professor Sun has authored over 400 peer-reviewed journal publications, and delivered numerous invited talks.
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