Stefano Silvestrini

Politecnico di Milano
Silvestrini, Stefano
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Profile Summary

Stefano Silvestrini is a PhD candidate at the Aerospace Science and Technology Department of Politecnico di Milano. He earned his MSc degree in Aerospace Engineering in 2017 from TU Delft. In 2015, he earned his BSc degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Università degli Studi di Padova. He spent 6-months research period at the College of Aerospace Engineering of Boston University under awarded scholarship. In 2016, he has worked for Airbus D&S in Munich. He is author and co-author of about 15 scientific publications on AI-based GNC, distributed space systems and relative dynamics in international journals and conference proceedings. He has been involved in national and EU/ESA-funded projects for developing innovative techniques for spacecraft GNC in different scenarios, such as missions to small bodies and proximity operations for active debris removal. His research interests include the development of AI-based learning algorithms for autonomous GNC in distributed space systems.

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